Ch 1: First Day

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DISCLAIMER: Ok well, I changed the name and cover but this is the Highschool AU I had set up. Updates will be slow for a little but will pick up.

Chapter 1

Highschool. The place where the youth finally finish their last years of school and make the slow exchange into adult hood. A place full of hormones, angst and awkwardness. A new year always marks the death of summer and the beginning of a hellish purgatory which is the school year.

Ahsoka layed in bed, blanket covering her face as the sun beamed through the blinds. She was beyond excited to finally finish her last year and graduate. Her prior 3 years at Shili High were something to remember.

Although she was excited, she was nervous. The feeling yOu get when a new year starts. Where there is nothing to be scared about but you still have to feeling. A feeling that can't go away.

In a few hours Ahsoka would walk through the gates of S.H. and become a senior.

A knock was heard on the bedroom door. "Ahsoka, time for your big first day" whispered a manly voice. Ahsoka removed the blanket from her face and looked at the man. "Yes Dad" she said.

Ahsoka got up and walked to the bathroom. She began her normal routine that was, brushin teeth, take a shower, put on clothes, put on lotion and lastly put on shoes. "Ahsoka dear, i made you breakfast for your first day" called a soothing voice". Ahsoka walked downstairs to see her mom.

Ahsoka wasn't like her parents. Not even the same species. Ahsoka was infact adopted at a young age by 2 loving humans. Anakin and Padme Skywalker. Although they were skywalkers, Ahsoka liked to refer to herself as a Tano. Her birth mother's last name. Although she didn't know her birthmother or had many memories, she was more than prideful to carry her name. In a way, it helped Ahsoka feel as if her mother was and will always be with her.

She made her way to the kitchen and sat. Waffles, fruit and orange juice was right infront of her. Ahsoka took in the smell and started digging in. She was no shy eater, infact she ate rather fast showing how much Togruta root she has in her.

Although the sun is out, the beginning of the school year means winter. Strange, Ahsoka heard on other planets summer marked the beginning of the school year. But not on Shili. She put on a white hoodie and grabbed her bag. "Bye mom, bye dad" she said. "Bye honey I'll tell your father your leaving" Padme said. Ahsoka smiled and walked out the door.

She started making her way down the sidewalk when a speeder pulled up. "Sorry were late, get in" a voice said. Ahsoka got in and they drove off. "Hey Sabine, Bo nice to see you and Hera nice to see your lekku finally healed" Ahsoka said. Hera smiled and said "Yea, glad to have that problem solved". Ahsoka smiled as she recalled that event.

Bounce houses have a history of going wrong around Ahsoka. In the 4th grade at a friend's party Ahsoka got in a bounce house as it deflated. In the 7th grade Ahsoka was jumping as another kid pushed her to the side, the rope broke and Ahsoka fell on the floor, fracturing her leg. And finally last summer. Sabine, Bo, Hera and Ahsoka were throwing a party for Bo's little sister Satine. Hera got in the bounce house along with Ahsoka. The neighbors kid threw rocks at the bounce house. As Hera got out to get some drinks a rock hit her lekku, thst had to be the worst experience for her.

10 minutes later

Ahsoka and the group finally made it to S.H. and parked Sabine's speeder. They got out and looked around them. Some familiar faces, some they hate, love and some they don't know.

Everyone was making their way through the front gate. The girls eventually made their way to the spot they go to every year. A table under a giant tree. The table was surrounded by leaves but the girls enjoyed it. "Did you guys get your schedule from orientation last week?" Sabine asked. Everyone nodded and pulled theirs out. They started comparing schedules to see which classes they had together. Lucky for them they all had PE last period. It was ok during winter but summer would suck for them and they knew it.

Ahsoka rolled her eyes. She had history first. She passes every class she takes but she hated history. It was boring to her, easy but boring. She turned to her friends and said "Guys I have history, kill me". Everyone laughed. "Your in for a hell of a time" Bo said.

The bell rang and the girls parted ways. Ahsoka walked over to building B and through the halls. She made her way to room 102 and sat down in the back. If she was going to pass history she was going to do it quietly and unnoticed.

The rest of the kids made their way in and found their seats. Ahsoka realized she didn't know anyone in the class. She pit her head down and pulled out her phone. She might as well pass the time until the teacher showed up.

As she was texting some friends a guy took a seat to the side of her. He had a hoodie on and had it over his head. He didn't look up but just put his head down. Ahsoka noticed but didn't think much of it.

The teacher walked in and Ahsoka put her phone away. The teacher turned his head and said "Hello class, my name is Mr. Windu, I'll be your history teacher"
The Entire class said "Hello Mr. Windu". Windu turned his eyes to the person next to Ahsoka and said "Young man, please take your hood off". Ahsoka used her peripheral vision to see to the side of her. The boy pulled his hoodie down revealing blonde hair.

Ahsoka looked forward and watched as the class then moved forward.

I hope you enjoyed! I had fun starting this. Definitely will update soon.

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