Ch 2: Lunch

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Chapter 2

It was finally half way through the day. Ahsoka walked out of her art class with paint all over her fingers.

She walked to the nearest bathroom and washed her hands. The water was cold and it stung her hands in the cold weather. She put her hands in her hoodie pockets and went looking for her friends.

She found Sabine but nobody else. "Sabine, where is everyone else?" She asked. Sabine looked at her and said "They're at a store down the street, wanna come with me?". Ahsoka nodded and they made their way out of the campus.

"There's alot of new people her this year" Ahsoka said. Sabine kept looking forward and said "Yea, I noticed. Alot of kids our grade too". Sabine then gave a smirk and said "Maybe you'll find a new boyfriend". Ahsoka looked at her with disgust.

Ahsoka's last relationship didn't last well. She dated a guy named Lux Bonteri. He was the definition of a aashole. He got with Ahsoka only to get laid. When he realized it wasn't going to happen he left Ahsoka while she was fully attached to him. The heartbreak was so much for Ahsoka she went so long without eating, showering, talking to friends, etc.

"Sabine, I'm not looking for anyone new, nor do I need anyone" Ahsoka said. Sabine looked back at her and said "I'm not sure if you really believe that, we all think about relationships, and your no expectation". Ahsoka didn't respond with words, her face enough said the answers.

Deep down Ahsoka wanted someone to love her. Not like a friend type love, not even a family type love. She wanted someone to love her in a relationship style way. She wanted someone to go on dates with. Someone to cuddle with. Someone to feel her warm lips. She wanted to feel protected in the arms of someone. But she hasn't found that someone. Everyone, even Sabine has had multiple relationships, Ahsoka only had 2. One from 1st grade, and the other Lux, and that one really put a dent in her.

Sabine and Ahsoka made their way to the store. Bo and Hera were sitting at a table infront of the store. Ahsoka and Sabine joined them. "So, how was your first 2 classes?" Hera asked. Sabine spoke up first "They both were pretty fun, i got to sit next to a cute boy, although I think he's gay". That statement seemed to stole everyone attention at the table. Ahsoka pulled out her computer and decided to start on some homework. The idea of getting homework, from history class on the first day was ridiculous but she did whatever she must to place her classes.

Ahsoka got thirsty and decided to buy something in the store. She walked in and saw a familiar face. It was the blonde kid from her history class. She never got his name, nobody did. He just stayed quiet listening to music half way through. Ahsoka grabbed a soda and walked behind him. He didn't have his backpack or anything. What Ahsoka saw baffled her mind.

The dude was buying achohal with a fake ID and it worked. The cashier looked at it and let him purchase the beer. It also wasn't the only thing he did. Ahsoka noticed as he was smooth talking the cashier he slipped a couple of candy bars into his hoodie.

Something in Ahsoka boiled up. She couldn't watch people steal or do anything bad. Thst wasn't the way she was raised. The dude walked out of the store. Ahsoka quickly payed for her soda and followed the dude.

He walked to alley right next to the store. In the alley was his backpack, he put the beer in and put his backpack on. Ahsoka looked at him and spoke up. "Hey buddy, you should probably return that stuff" she said. The guy looked at her and said "Why would i?". Ahsoka got even more boiled up. "Maybe because stealing is wrong" She said. The dude laughed and said "Listen, I'm only trying to get by, so stop playing cop and go on your way, im not bothering you so you don't bother me. Deal?". Ahsoka clenched her fist in her hoodie and walked away. The dude smiled and made his way down the alley.

Ahsoka walked back to the table with her friends looking at her. "Why are you mad?" Bo asked. Ahsoka lookat her and said "I caught some person stealing and it just makes me angry". Sabine smiled and said "Little miss cop over here again I see". Bo laughed and said "Ahsoka try loosening up a little". Hera didn't bud in, she just listened to the conversation. Ahsoka got back to work while the others talked. She was angry with how someone her age could be drinking beer and stealing, for all she knew he could be doing it all the time. People like that just disgusted her.

20 mins later

The girls were walking back to the school campus. Ahsoka had a free period next so she wasn't in such a rush, she was just going to sit outside on a bench and listen to music since she did all of her history homework.

The bell rang and the girls split up. Ahsoka made her way to the table they claimed as their spot. As she was walking she noticed someone. The blonde kid was sitting on steps nearby.

Ahsoka looked at him until he looked back at her. She jerked her head like she wasn't looking at him. "Ah its the girl who doesn't know how to loosen up" he said. Ahsoka looked at him and said "Oh wow it's the dude who seems to be a shit person". The dude smiled and said "I'm not a bad person, I just like having fun". Ahsoka rolled her eyes and sat down at her table. She put her earbuds in and pulled her hoodie over her lekkus. She zoned out in a matter of minutes.

I hope you enjoyed! I'll update very soon. I love writing this story.

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