Part 1 :)

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Louis POV
"This sucks!" I complained to my best friend Niall. Niall sighed and shrugged,

"Well I guess you'll have to buy me double the presents since you won't be here on my birthday.." he said innocently raising his eyebrows and smirking. I rolled my eyes,

"No way, I've already gotten something and you're so hard to shop for I'm not getting you anything else." I muttered as i crossed my arms over my chest. Niall laughed and turned his attention back to his pizza slice. I sighed, I knew he was kidding but it really did annoy me that I wouldn't be here to celebrate his birthday with him. Never in the 8 years that we'd been friend have we missed out on each other's birthdays.

"Where do you have to go anyway?" Niall asked , I sighed, "not really sure... some place called Holmes Chappel. I've got an interview there..." Niall raises his eyebrows and I shrugged.

"I've never heard of that place." He said
"I have I've just never been."
"How far away is it from here?"
"I've got no idea. But don't worry, I'll leave the present with Zayn before I leave and he'll drop it off." He raised his eyebrows at me, giving me a questionable look.

"Zayn." I said trying to remind him who Zayn is. "Zayn Malik? My manager?" His head finally started working and he said "OH right!". I nodded. It went silent for a while , mostly because Niall was in deep thought. At least I think he was, he might have just been admiring the pizza he was holding. Niall and food, a real love story

Suddenly my phone started buzzing, startling the both of us. I sighed and picked up the phone, looking at the caller ID.

"Who is it?" Niall asked, with his mouth full of pizza, i grunted and looked away from the scene, not wanting to see the chewed up pieces in his mouth,

"My mum, again." I sighed and put my head in my hands. Niall looked up at me, "are you ever going to call her back?" he asked. I frowned and shrugged off the question. I wanted to, but I couldn't bring my self to do it. I didn't blame her for my dads death. But on some level it was her fault.

It was 3 years ago and I had only spoken to my mum a couple times. I knew she felt guilty and although part of me wanted her to feel guilty the other part knew she didn't mean it to happen. So I left the house saying I needed some time alone, and never walked back in.

I called a couple times to let her know I was ok but I didn't have the heart to go see her. I did miss my sisters though. I hadn't seen them in years and I knew they've all grown up a lot. I send postcards on each of their birthdays to let them know I love them, but I miss them a lot.

"Dude, are you even listening?" Niall asked me, making me snap out of my thoughts and turn to him.

"What? Um- yes... yeah I was listening." I tried to play it off, he narrowed his eyes and I saw he clearly didn't believe me. I don't know why I bother anymore Niall can read me like a book. He playfully smacked my arm to make sure he had my attention and started from the beginning.

"As I was saying during your next game I decided to make a really big sign and I plan to embarrass you." He grinned at me. I started laughing,

"Oh no please don't! You've embarrassed me enough times in my life already!" He laughed and the conversation continued. As he was about to leave to go back to his apartment he turned around,

"What day did you say you were leaving again?"
"Sunday." I replied,
"Ugh, I hate you. Okay bye I'll see you tomorrow!" I laughed and said
"Yeah see you!"

It was as soon as I had closed and locked the door that it hit me. I quickly ran to my window that faced the street and I saw Niall getting into his car. I opened the window and yelled,

"NIALL! You forgot to pay your half of the pizzas!" He looked at me and from far away I could tell he was smirking.
"I know!" He yelled back and quickly got into his car and drove away.

I laughed and shook my head, closing the window.

"That little shit." I muttered as I walked into my room and collapsed on the bed.
Hiii !
Okay so that was my first chapter, sorry if it's crap and sorry if I have any spelling mistakes I swear I know how to type I just can't be bothered to check.

And recommendations?

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