Part 12 :)

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Harry POV

" 5 fifty five and your receipt... have a good day!" Harry smiled and he handed over the receipt to the woman across the counter.

"Thank you, you too!" She replied, smiling back. Her daughter didn't turn around though and kept staring at Harry, which made him very uncomfortable.

"Sorry but could I possibly have you number?" She asked quietly to make sure her mother didn't hear. Harry flushed a deep shade of red and replied,

"Umm.... s-sorry but n-no."

The girl frowned stubbornly and crossed her arms.

"Why not, are you taken?"

"No, i-I'm gay."


Harry tilted his head to the side giving her a questionable look, half shocked half about to start laughing.

"So... I'm not gonna give you my number? Can you leave?" He replied. He surprised himself with the bit of confidence that had built up inside him.

"Rude." She said, glaring at Harry, still not moving.

"Can you please leave?" Harry tried,

"Still rude." She said raiding her eyebrows.

"Well you're still here soo..."

She scoffed and turned around, making an exaggerated hair flip that made Harry cringe. She walked out of the shop with her head high and her hips sashaying from side to side, which again, made Harry uncomfortable but he half chuckled half sighed to him self and took the opportunity to look at his phone seeing as no one was in the shop.

He stared at his Instagram DM's. He had a new message from Liam which he avoided opening seeing as it was most likely a stupid meme or something about how he had to text Louis first. He scanned over his and Louis' conversation and signed. No new messages.

Suddenly the little bell at the top of the entrance door rung, making Harry stuff his phone back into his pocket and look back up. Walking towards him was a relatively small fellow, not as small as Louis though. He thought to himself.

The boy had dark blonde hair, nearly brown but very blonde highlights at the tips of his hair. Harry smiled at him and said,

"Hello, what can I get for you?"

The blonde boy scanned the items and pastries beneath the counter, furrowing his eyebrows.

"I'll have one of these muffins," he said pointed to a line of muffins underneath the glass "and a scone." He had a very thick accent of what Harry thought to be Irish.

Harry nodded and placed the two items in a paper bag.

"Anything else?" He looked up to see the boy staring at him. He seemed to be studying Harry's face as if trying to decide something. Harry raised his eyebrows as gave him a confused expression which snapped the boys head back to reality.

"Uh sorry, no that's it, thanks."

Harry nodded and placed to bag on top of the counter, handing it to the boy.

"That'll be 3.99 please."

The boy nodded and took his wallet out of his pocket.

"Hey weird question," the boy started, not looking up from his wallet, "have you ever been to a football game?"

Harry gave him a weird expression but answered anyway.

"Uhh, yeah, I went to one about a week ago."

The boy looked up to Harry and nodded.

"Are you gay? Or bi?" He asked suddenly.

Harry half coughed and half choked, clearly startled at his question. He frowned and looked down, a bit embarrassed from his reaction.

"Um... yeah I'm gay. Why?" He mustered up in a quiet voice.

The boy seemed pleased with his answer and nodded his head, not taking his eyes of Harry.

"Just wondering!" He said cheerily, he took out the money and handed it to Harry. "Thank you!" He turned around and started walking out of the store.

"Um... have a good day..." Harry said hesitantly, still not completely understanding what had happened.

"You too Harry!" The boy called out, making Harry freeze. How does he know my name? He thought to himself. Then he looked down and found his name tag. He nodded to himself and answered his own question.

Please vote if you enjoyed it would mean a lot 🥺

So this was kinda a filler, sorry. But I swear the next couple of chapters should be eventful ;)

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