part 15 :)

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(A/N thank you for 100+ reads it means a lot <3 )


Louis' leg bounced nervously up and down as he waited nervously for Harrys arrival. He laced his fingers and squeezed his hands together in his lap. His head shot up every time the little bell above the door rung and someone new stepped inside, letting the cool breeze take over the café. He had only arrived a couple minutes earlier but he started to think Harry wouldn't show up, until the bell rung for the fourth time and a familiar mop of curls stepped inside the shop, looking around nervously, trying to spot Louis.

Both breaths hitched as their eyes locked for a couple moments. Anyone on the outside seeing them would've thought it were weird to just stare at each other that way but it suited the two boys just fine.

Harry smiled nervously and ran his fingers through his hair once more before making his way over to the table by the window where Louis was sat. Harry was wearing a long coat that reached up to his knees and a pair of black skinny jeans, that matched quite nicely with the gray colored rolling stones t-shirt he was also wearing. Harry walked over carefully making sure he wouldn't fall and trip on his face.

Louis was also wearing black skinny jeans except he had a loose white t-shirt that was partly covered with a light blue flannel that wasn't buttoned up. His feathery hair sticking up in random directions because of the wind that had messed it up a little upon his arrival.

"sorry i'm a bit late, i couldn't find this place anywhere on the maps so i had to ask a couple people for directions." harry smiled apologetically as he arrived closer and pulled out his chair to sit down. Louis' eyes went wide and he covered his mouth with his hand in realization.

"Oh my god i'm so sorry this place only opened 2 weeks ago and it hasn't been printed out yet, i forgot to tell you i'm so sorry!"

Harry laughed as he sat down and took off his coat, revealing his arms which Louis definitely didn't stare at for a moment or two.

"It's alright..." he paused for a second, trying to figure out what to say next, "it's nice to see you again."

Louis blushed profusely and chuckled lightly at the thought of him acting like a 14 year old girl.

"yeah it's nice to see you too! How have you been?" he asked awkwardly.

Harry nodded to himself as he replied, "I've been good yeah, how about you?" He mentally hit himself for being so awkward. Just as Louis was about to reply a bunch of very bright flashes captured them from the other side of the glass.

Louis quickly glanced at them and immediately looked downwards and used his hand to cover his face, knowing what to do. He was used to paparazzi following him around but he mentally cursed at them for interrupting him and Harry, even though it had been a little awkward.

Harry however, was completely oblivious as to what was going on, as he stared dumbfounded at the blinding flashes trying to comprehend what was going on. Louis was quick to notice the mix of horror and confusion that was plastered on Harry's face.

"Harry look down." he said sternly. Harry was slightly taken aback but quickly followed Louis' advice as he looked down and tilted his head tot he side as to try and block his face from the cameras.

"Louis what's going on?" he asked hurriedly. He heard Louis curse silently before answering.

"Paparazzi. I don't know how they found me but i guess they did. Fuck we're probably gonna be in the paper tomorrow or something." he said the last sentence quietly, as if he were talking to himself. "Follow me." he quickly got up and gestured to Harry to do the same thing. The second Harry was standing he gently grabbed Harry's hand in his and hurried off the bathroom at the back of the shop.

As soon as the pair entered Harry closed the door behind them, letting out a sigh of relief he didn't know he was holding. A second later he became super aware that Louis was still holding his hand and slightly blushed as he looked at their interlaced fingers, earning a slight smirk from Louis.

"I'm so sorry about them Harry, i really am." Louis muttered, looking at the floor, his thumb slightly rubbing Harry's knuckles in a reassuring way.

Harry felt his cheeks heat up at the gesture but snapped himself back to reality. He shook his head.

"It's not your fault Louis. I'm just surprised how they got here so fast..."

Louis pinched his lips together as he considered this for a moment.

"That's probably is my fault, i didn't want to be late so i arrived relatively early, which must have given the paps plenty of time to arrive. I'm so sorry..." he said once more, as he looked up at Harry, his breath hitched when their eyes locked. Harry gave him a soft smile, which made Louis' heart melt.

"Again, not your fault...." he paused for a couple seconds, his eyes flowing back to their hands. "So... what now? The paps will probably be here a while..."

Louis nodded sadly.

"Yeah, this sucks i was really looking forward to getting to know you better." His eyes widen when he realized what he had just said but was quickly re comforted when Harry sighed and said,

"yeah... me too. Is there anywhere else we can go or not really?"

Louis shook his head and sighed.

"Anywhere we go now they'll follow." Harry nodded in understanding. "God sometimes i seriously wish i was just normal. Not some "shallow" celebrity with almost no private life." Louis groaned, bringing his free hand to his head. Harry frowned.

"Just cause you're a celebrity doesn't make you any less normal."

Louis looked up in awe. No one had ever said anything like that before. Sure it wasn't like his friends treated him like an alien or something but he always felt like a fake superficial robot, constantly under the pressure of the media to be the person everyone else wanted him to be instead of who he wanted to be. He never felt normal. He never felt like himself.

Harry raised an eyebrow at him, snapping Louis back into reality quick enough for him to realize he had been staring at him.

"Sorry, it's just people always assume i'm like, some sort of different breed." he says jokingly, earning a slight chuckle from Harry, "that might not make any sense sorry." Louis shook his head laughingly.

"No, no i get it. Well, sort of. I can't relate or anything but i know what you mean." Harry nodded reassuringly.

"So.... should we reschedule for some other time?" he asked disappointingly, but with a hint of hope in his voice. Harry smiled sadly but nodded, giving Louis' hand a quick squeeze. "Okay i'll text you sometime tomorrow to make new plans."

"Okay." Harry nodded giving Louis a dimply smile. Louis gathered all of his confidence and quickly leaned up on his tippy toes to plant a soft peck on Harry's cheek.

"I'll go out first and get rid of them, wait a couple minutes."

And with that Louis left the bathroom, leaving a dumbfounded Harry standing there shocked in the middle of the bathroom, with a hand touching the cheek Louis had kissed him on.

(A/N right so this chapter was longer but kinda sucked my bad. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE vote if you enjoyed anyway cause i don't know if people are enjoying my story or not so i might stop.)

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