Part 2 :)

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Harry's POV

"Thank you have a nice day." Harry muttered boringly, earning a few warning glances from the older ladies who worked with him.

"What's gotten into you Harry you're always so cheerful!" one of the woman questioned. Harry sighed and guiltily looked up at her,

"Sorry Barbara, college is literally draining me, didn't get much sleep last night..."

" Harry why don't you just take a break like we've been telling you to do?" Harry sighed and he knew taking a break from his weekend job would actually help but he didn't want to.

"But I like working here! And let's face it people only come into the bakery because of my bread." He added cheekily. Amy scoffed from the other side of the room.

" which you make using my recipe!" She laughed. Harry smiled letting his dimples on both sides of his mouth show.
"Ssshhh" Harry smirked pressing his finger to his lips in a silencing manner.
" well if your refuse to take a couple weeks off at least go home for the rest of the day I'll cover your shift so you can go finish your essay," Barbara said kindly. Harry's head tilted to the side while he looked at her.

" when did I tell you about my essay?" He asked.
" this morning when you were on one of your hour long rambles" she chuckled. Harry grinned sheepishly.

"Fine I'll take the rest of the day off today but I am coming back tomorrow." He warned as he started to untie the knot at the back of his maroon colored apron, placing it on a peg.

"Harry!" One of the other older ladies called after him, making his head turn back around.
" make sure you get some sleep tonight!" She said. Harry grinned and nodded back at her.

These woman are like my second mothers he thought to himself as he pushed the bakery door open, the cold air quickly wrapping around him making him shiver as he made his way to his car.

As soon as he got in his phone started ringing loudly. He pulled it out of his pocket revealing Liams name on the screen. Harry sighed and clicked answer.

"Hello?" He said half yawning,

"Harry! I've got great news! My girlfriend broke up with me!" Liam yelled into the phone, too loudly in Harry's opinion.

" I may not know a lot about relationships but usually that's not a good thing." He said raiding an eyebrow.

" no no no! It's that girl I wanted to break up with but couldn't bring myself to do it cause I felt bad! Now she broke up with me so all is good in the world!"

"Right well... good for you I guess!" Harry said chuckling.

"Yep!" Liam replied, popping the 'P', "there's just one thing though. We have tickets to that football game in Manchester next week and now I have an extra ticket since she won't be going anymore. Sooo...." he said waiting for Harry to say something,

"Nope. Nuh-uh. No way." Harry said knowing what was going on in Liams brain.

"Come on Harry! Pleassseee! I don't wanna go alone that's lame..." he whined,

"Liam you know I have no interest in football games besides I have tons of work for school!"

" you have an essay due this Wednesday and that's it! The rest of your work is already done since you always do it weeks in advance!"

Harry grumbled, rolling his eyes. Liam knew him too well.

"Still! I have actual work in the bakery and I can't ditch especially since I'm already taking the day off today..."

" you've been working at that bakery for years I'm sure they won't mind if you take one maybe two days off! PLEASE Harry!!! You know I won't stop annoying you until you say yes." Liam stated, and Harry knew he was telling the truth. Harry sighed and said,

"Ugh fine! But we're not making a weekend trip out of it or anything. I expect to come back as soon as possible."

"Yes!!" Liam cheered, making Harry roll his eyes, "We'll head off Friday after school and be back by Saturday night."

"Fine, look I gotta go I'll talk to you tomorrow."

"Okay byeeee!" Liam said overly exited.
Okay so that was chapter 2! Hope you enjoyed. Louis and Harry will be meeting either next chapter one the one after that. We'll see ! ;)


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