time for work

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It was Friday morning and the Curtis brothers were all getting ready to start their day. Darry and soda both had early shifts, while pony had school.

"Pony, its way too cold for that" darry mentioned as he noticed how short his baby brothers shorts were and the fact that his tshirt barely covered his stomach.

"C'mon darry, it ain't that bad" pony tried to protest. "Soda, what do you think" pony asked, hoping he would get his favourite brother to take his side. "Sorry, pone but I gotta agree with darry on this" soda replied causing pony to stomp off with a bit of attitude.

Once pony had changed his outfit and ate breakfast the three headed out the door. Darry dropped his younger brothers off at the DX where soda worked. Two-bit would meet him there with Johnny and take them to school. Sometimes Steve took them, but Friday's were his half days, which meant he started his morning at the DX, then went to school for the Last 3 classes.

Pony yelled bye to his brother once two-bit beeped the horn. The local high school was only 5minutes away from the DX, but after what happened a few months back, when pony almost drowned, darry and soda felt safer knowing their little brother was always with someone whenever they couldn't be with him.

Soda read the job itinerary for the day. 2 oil changes, 1 tune up and fill ups for anyone who came in for gas. Soda usually did the oil changes while Steve got started on anything else. Soda was a good mechanic, but Steve was just a little better at getting a car to sound just right.

At 1.00pm Steve headed off to school. Soda went inside the shop and worked the register when the bell indicating someone needed a fill up rang. "Hey Tim" soda greeted when he saw who it was. "Curtis" Tim replied.

"Hey, you and Randle got any plans later" Tim asked. "I don't know, probably go scoping for chicks or whatever, why you know something going down tonight" soda responded. "Yeah, you and Randle should come down to the old mill on Richmond Street, there might be a drag race or 2, probably a beer blast" Tim replied. "Alright, I'm in. I'm sure Steve won't say no" soda responded.

After school had finished, Steve headed back to the DX to help soda with any last jobs of the day, and then the 2 friends would close up and head over to the Curtis house.

"Oh Steve" soda spoke as they got in Steve's car. "Yeah" Steve replied as he headed towards soda's house. "So Tim stopped by today, said their might be a drag race on tonight if we were interested" soda told his best friend.

Steve was definitely keen to go out and get ripped.

When they entered the Curtis house, pony and dally were making out on the couch while two-bit and Johnny were playing cards in the kitchen. "How long have those two been at it" Steve asked the two friends playing cards. Well dally was already here when we got here, which was about 3.30, it's now 6.00, so you do the math" two-bit replied.

Dally and pony had been together ever since the big rumble. Pony had taken a hit to the head and dally just lost it. Since then he can't get enough of the young greaser.

"Pony, you get your homework done, before darry gets home" soda asked trying to break the two love birds apart" "mmmhhhmmm" pony mumbled. His lips being locked to dally's.

"Get a room you two" Steve commented with a hint of sarcasm. "With pleasure" dally answered, taking his lips off pony for a mere second. "Don't encourage them, sides pony's not quite 16 yet" soda responded giving Steve a light tap at the back of the head.

(Little did soda know, his baby brother was no longer innocent, dal had taken his little brother's cherry and the two had done it more than once ever since).

"Hey dal, you going over to Richmond Street later" Steve asked. "Yeah, Tim told me there might be some action tonight, sides he owes me $50" dal replied. "Hey, what kind of action" pony asked his boyfriend giving him a light shove. "Don't worry baby, not the horny kind, unless you hot something in mind" dally said with a wink.

Soda had finished making dinner when Darry walked in the door. "Hey dare" they all greeted. "Hey" he responded. "Come eat boys" soda yelled. Six boys all lined up in the kitchen where soda was serving up plates for everyone.

After dinner soda took a shower and got ready for a night out. He didn't have work the next day, and because he was now 18 years old he no longer had curfew. As long as he wasn't brought home by the fuzz darry didn't mind him staying out.

"Let's go boys" soda yelled grabbing Steve's keys. He always drove if they were going to the drags. "Pony, where do you think your going" darry asked. He new he couldn't stop soda going to the drags, but pony was still a minor. "Don't worry big man, I'll have him home by midnight" dal responded, giving darry a light tap. "Alright, since it a school night, just stay out of trouble, that goes for all of ya" darry yelled as they all climbed in Steve's car.

"Well well, if it isn't the Curtis gang" Tim greeted when the boys showed up at their destination. (Since they all hung out at the curtis's they were given the nick name). "Hey, Tim, so who's up tonight" soda asked. Soda got real excited when it came to car races, having won a few himself.

"Well I'll be racing super soc over there, you wanna ride shotgun" Tim mentioned. If he weren't driving, soda was more then happy to tag along when someone else was. "Yeah, you think you can handle it or you want me to drive" soda replied sarcastically. To which Tim replied "wise ass".

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