I think I might like you ...a lot

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"hey darry" soda called as he flipped the eggs he was cooking. "Yeah" darry answered as he sat down at the table while soda places a plate in front of his older brother. "Do you think I could use the truck today" soda asked. " I guess, just as long as you ain't using it to go drag racing" darry replied with a stern look.

After dropping pony off at the theatre, where dally and Johnny were waiting, soda made his way over to the sheppards. If any of Tim's gang or family were there, he would just say he's looking to find the next drag race or something.

When he pulled the truck into park, the place seemed desserts. "Curtis, what brings you to my humble abode" Tim asked the younger greaser. "Hey Tim, you alone?" Soda asked looking around and not seeing anyone around. "I could be" Tim teased.

"You ain't see nobody around do ya Curtis?" Tim mocked. Soda just shook his head at the elder. "Ok so you wanted to see me, so I'm here. What's up" Tim seemed a little off from what soda could tell.

"Look Tim, I think you and me need to know where we stand with each other" soda spoke with his head looking down. When he looked up, Tim was only inches from him. Tim grabbed sodas chin and tilted it up. He pressed his lips on soda's.

"I like kissing you Curtis" Tim said as he pulled away. "Ah huh" soda let out. "Hey, you wanna go somewhere" Tim asked. "Where" soda replies. "I know a place, kind of a secret hide out if mine" Tim explains.

Tim follows soda back to the Curtis house so he can leave darry his truck. "He darry, I got a few days off work, and Tim asked if I wanna hang out, maybe do some fishing" soda explains as he hands over the keys.

"Tim Shepperd, fishing, I'd like to see that" darry laughed. "Oh come on darry, he ain't all that bad. Besides, I think it would me some good to get away for a few days" soda pleaded.

"So long as your back in time for your next shift, and you stay out of trouble" darry says sternly. "Sure thing big brother, I'll go pack".

"Come on Curtis, we're only going for a few days, you ain't gonna need much" Tim yells from the Curtis living room. "So Tim, where exactly are you taking my brother" darry asks. "Well I did have a grandpa who was once nice to me, anyway he left me this old cabin in his will" Tim explains.

"How come you never told us that before" darry asked. "Because, I found it came in handy when I needed to get away or hide out for a bit. And if I told anyone, it wouldn't be my hide out anymore, now would it Curtis" Tim mocked the oldest Curtis.

Darry was about to say something else when soda entered the room. "I think i'm all good now" soda says with his bag over his shoulder. "Bout time" Tim spoke. The two said goodbye to darry and got in Tim's Chevy.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2020 ⏰

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