adrenaline rush

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Before soda got in time car he went over to where his brother was standing. He had dally's tongue down his throat as soda tapped his shoulder. "Pony, you know the drill, you hear a siren, get out of here" soda said in a stern tone. "Don't worry sodapop, I'll make sure he ain't here if the fuzz show" dally answered before pony could get a word out.

Tim and soda were sitting at the starting line. They were up against a couple of doc in a red corvette. Tim new his car wasn't that fast but he also had a big rep for cheating.  Soda could feel the adrenaline rushing through his veins as Tim Reged the engine.

As soon as time sister dropped the sweater she was holding out in front the two cars sped off. The corvette took the lead for the first mile, but as they took the turn to head back Tim changed lanes. The soc saw the bright lights of Tim's car causing them to swerve off the road. Before they could get back on the road Tim was already ahead and reaching for the finish line.

"Woohoo" soda yelled. "Fuck yeah" Tim yelled. "Curly" Tim yelled into the crowd when he spotted his little brother. Curly ran over to the car. "Sup Tim" he asked handing his brother a cancer stick. "What's up with the fuzz"? Tim questioned. Curly may have been Tim's little brother, but Tim let him in his gang cause he made a real good spy, and paid attention to a lot of things.

"Well, someone let slip that there's a drag race going on over the other side of town, so I figure you got time for maybe another race or 2 before they see they're in the wrong place" curly answered. Tim rubbed his brother's hair (something curly hated with passion) "good job little brother".

"Hey Curtis, here" Tim handed soda his keys. Tim had seen soda drag race and didn't mind him driving his car. "You riding shotgun Tim"? Soda asked. "Ain't nobody else doin it" Tim replied.

This time it was greaser V's greaser. Sodapop against one of the brumly boys. Soda new he could take him, this would be too easy. Once again the adrenaline started to kick in as soda rved the engine of Tim's car. "Ain't she sound sweet" Tim remarked. He was so proud of his car.

Before they new it soda had crossed the finish line, leaving the other guys in a whirl of dust. Soda gave Tim his keys back. They got out of the car for a bit and hung with their gangs and friends. Soda had noticed his Dallas and his brother were nowhere in site.

"Hey Steve" he said tapping Steve's shoulder. "Sup soda" Steve responded. "You seen pony" soda asked. "Yeah he and dal left a little while ago, probably wanted some privacy if you get what I'm saying" Steve smirked as he nudged his friend.

"Ain't funny Steve, that's my kid brother and he's only 15" soda answered in an annoyed tone. "Oh come on sodapop, you were younger then him when you got with Suzie Davis" Steve replied. It was true. Soda had barely turned 14 when he lost his virginity. He mostly only did it cause he thought his older brother would stop treating him like a little kid if he started doing the things he was doing.

After hanging around for a bit a blue mustang pulled up to the starting line. "Curtis, you up for one more" Tim called over. "You sure you don't wanna ask no one else" soda replied. "Not when we've won the last few, you might be a lucky charm or something and I ain't about to give that up" Tim answered as he got in his car.

He new soda wouldn't turn him down though. Drag races and anything that could get soda's veins pumping that didn't involve drinking, soda was there.

So once again soda had climbed into the passenger seat of Tim's Chevy. Tim Reged the enginge. The sweater hit the ground and the were off. Just as they got a mile down the road they could hear the sirens. Tim looked in his rear view mirror and could just make out the flashing lights.

They had a good distance on the cop car tailing them so Tim took the next exit. He parked under an abandoned bridge and sure off his enginge and lights. They heard the sirens up on the main road drive right by. "Suckers" Tim smirked.

Tim reaches over the back seat and grabbed a beer. "You want one" he asked soda as he popped the top on his own. "Nah, I'm good" soda replied. "Well we may as well get comfy, those cops will be back this way soon enough" tim said as he took a sip of his beer.

Soda got out of the car and sat on the hood. Tim hot out and followed him. Usually this would be a time Tim would lay down on the seat of his car and catch some sleep. Or if he had a chick with him, they'd be screwing by now.

Tim reaches back inside his car, and grabbed another beer. Something he did to pass the time or just get sloshed. After a few the two got back in the car. There was a slight chill in the air.

Tim through his empty bottle in the back seat. He was feeling a little tipsy now. Not drunk as it took a bit to get Tim drunk, but just enough to feel the effects of the alcohol.

Before he realised what he was doing, he leaned over to where sodapop was sitting and pressed his lips on soda's. Soda quickly shaved Tim off. "What the hell man" soda yelled. He got out of the car and slammed the door.

Tim got out and tried to explain himself. "Look, I'm sorry" Tim said. Tim never apologized for anything. "Call it an adrenaline rush or heat of the moment. I guess I just had a few too many beers and you were just right there" Tim tried to say.

"Just take me home Tim" was all soda said before Tim dropped him home.

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