what the hell was that?

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All week Sodapop Curtis had been in a somewhat snappy kind of mood. He especially got irritated when he got home from work on Monday to find his little brother making out on the couch with Dallas Winston .

"Pony, would you knock it off" soda had snapped. "Oh so it's ok for you to suck face with your many girls soda, you don't hear me complain. Come on dal, let's go somewhere we don't have to worry about interruptions" pony said grabbing dal's hand.

Soda hadn't meant to snap, but ever since Tim had kissed him, he had all these thoughts running through his head. He wasn't sure how to deal. He also didn't know if he should tell someone, or even the very person who he just couldn't seem to shake from his mind.

Could it be that soda had in fact enjoyed the kiss even just a little bit. No, sodapop was as straight as a telephone pole. He just needed a night out to get his mind off things.

Later that week.....

"So, Evie's cousins in town, thought we could take the girls out and show ally a good time" Steve had suggested as they were closing up for the night. "You can count me in man, is evie's cousin pretty?" Soda joked.

Steve dropped soda off so he could get ready. When soda walked inside, he didn't expect Tim to be sitting on his couch.  "Hey" Tim spoke as soda went to head off to his room. Soda stopped but didn't turn around.

Tim grabbed his arm and started to speak. "Look I'm sorry if I made you feel bad the other night" "don't worry about it" soda replied. "If it was nothing, then how come every time I go to the DX you don't come out and say hi" Tim questioned.

"Uh, I'm busy" soda tried to answer. Tim wasn't buying it. "You liked it when I kissed you" Tim stated. "Look Tim, I'm not mad, but I gotta get ready. Steve and me are taking Evie and her cousin out tonight" soda spoke, but just as he went to walk away again Tim grabbed him.

He out his hand on soda's face and watched as soda's face turned a light shade of pink. It was in that moment that Tim had realised how much he actually liked the middle Curtis brother.

Soda had made no move to pull away. He felt he needed to set his mind at ease. Was he really as straight as he'd always acted or was he starting to have feelings for a guy.

Tim pulled sodapop closer to him and placed his lips on soda's. This time soda kissed Tim back. Before it got too heated soda pushed away. "This can't happen, I like girls" soda exclaimed. He ran off to his bedroom without looking back.

Tim had taken off to his house. He couldn't get the feel of sodapop's lips off his mind. He wanted more, and not just the kissing. When he had soda in his arms it just felt right.

Tim never thought he'd ever settle down with anyone. But something about the middle Curtis brother had him wanting more. It was like the first time he got into a fight. The way he took control and the adrenaline that charged throughout his body, like a drug.

Soda was like a drug he just couldn't get enough of. He was an addiction Tim just had to have. Tim was going to have soda no matter how long he had to wait. He wasn't going to push like he did with his one night stands. Soda was worth more than that.

Soda had finished getting ready for his night out. However somewhere in the back of his mind, all he really wanted to do was find Tim and see where that kiss would have lead too.

He couldn't believe he was thinking like this. But the truth was, not even sandy, the girl he had been in love with, who had broken his heart had ever made him feel like this. It felt like some kind of addiction. One hit just didn't seem to be enough.

Soda hopped in Steve's car and they headed over to the dingo to meet up with the girls. Soda got out of Steve's car and hopped in the back so Evie could sit up front with Steve.

They all ordered some food, before deciding where to go next. They had decided on the nightly double. "Wow, Evie told me you were dreamy, but I never would have thought you were such a doll" ally spoke as she admires sodapop. "Uh, thanks I guess" soda blushed.

Ally leaned over the seat and pressed her lips on soda's. Now any other time, sodapop would have been kissing this girl back and would probably be starting his way to second base. But tonight just wasn't his night.

Every time ally's lips were on his, all he could see in his mind was Tim. The thought of Tim's lips on his was what he really wanted. What had Tim done to him.

Soda couldn't take it no more. "Look, I'm sorry, I can't do this right now" soda said as he pushed ally off his lap. "Oh, don't you like me sodapop" ally questioned, thinking she had done something wrong.

"No, no of course not, it's just been a while is all" soda tried. " Oh come on soda, Sandy's been gone almost a year now" Steve replied. "I know that Steve" soda snapped. Sandy was a very sore subject.

Even though what soda was feeling had nothing to do with sandy, he just went with it. He wasn't ready to tell anyone about Tim and what he was doing to him. He decided he was going to find Tim tomorrow and ask why he kissed him and why he wanted more of that kiss.

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