Bad word

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"Hey Jisung, who's that dude over there? He keeps looking at you weirdly."
Jisung looked up at Changbin, cheeks stuffed with food.

"What dude?" he managed, mouth still full of food.

"Disgusting, chew with your mouth closed, or at least swallow before you speak." Jeongin reprimanded.

Jisung ignored his youngest friend and turned to see where Changbin was gesturing. Sure enough on the other side of the food court stood a very tall man who was staring right at Jisung with wide eyes. He had soft black hair, overall his features were soft and despite the man probably being in his early thirties, Jisung couldn't but think 'cute' when he saw him. He was dressed in a pristine nurses outfit and was mid handing his ID to the cashier at the counter. Jisung raised an eyebrow questioningly at the man and turned back to his friends.

"I have no idea who that is." he said, and the trio moved on with their day, finishing their food and heading out of the hospital canteen to their university, they were already late for their biology lecture and Jeongin was stumbling due to the new cast on his ankle, which made them even more late.

"Kim Jungwoo!" Jungwoo pulled a finger up to his lips as the baby in front of him began wriggling to go towards the voice.

"Stay still Sungie, we don't want Seungkwan to find us."

Completely ignoring him the little boy continued wriggling and soon began whining quietly, small tears forming in his deep brown eyes. Jungwoo kept hushing the upset child praying with all his being that Jisung wouldn't start crying, but much to his dismay the baby inhaled deeply and began wailing loudly. Jungwoo pulled him into his arms and began rocking him back and forth trying to shush him, but it didn't work. Suddenly light flooded into the small space they were hidden in. Jungwoo looked up sheepishly at Seungkwan who looked down at him with a very disapproving look on his face. A curious Hyunjin was also looking down at the pair from Seungkwan's arms.

"Really Jungwoo, a pillow fort?" The blue haired man simply shrugged at the elder boy and pushed the other pillows away from him, standing up and reaching down to pick up a still crying Jisung.

"Do I really have to do it?" He whined.

"Yes, we have a rota for a reason idiot. Hansol did it last week, so that means it's your turn this week."

"But I don't want toooooo!" Jungwoo continued whining the entire way down the stairs of the orphanage occasionally stopping to adjust to Jisung who was resting on his hip as he carried the toddler. The two plus Jisung finally reached the dreaded room Jungwoo had been trying to avoid all day and Seungkwan pushed Jungwoo towards the door lightly.

"The others are already in there, you just have to do it quickly. It's not that bad Woo, you just like to complain." Jungwoo stuck his tongue out at the elder but entered the room nonetheless.

"Right," he said, placing Jisung onto a vacant changing table, "who's first?"

He surveyed the nine little boys who were all sitting on their own respective changing tables. Of course Jungwoo wasn't expecting a response, they were only a few months old, but of course Jungwoo really didn't want to change any of their diapers. It was a brutal task that he truly hated, and a task he would have to complete three times a day for the next week. Jungwoo looked over them again.

"Alright, Sunwoo. You seem the most happy, let's start with you." And so it began.

Over an hour later and the other babysitters (technically they were caregivers but they preferred to be called babysitters), were still waiting for Jungwoo to return from the changing room. Usually changing the babies diapers was a speedy process, no one wanted to take their time whilst doing it, yet Jungwoo was still in there with the orphanages nine youngest.

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