Birthday party

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"Kim Seungmin!"

Seungmin rolled his eyes. He turned around mid-step and walked back to his friend.

"Yes Yiren."

The girl crossed her arms and pouted.

"Don't 'yes Yiren' me. You know what you did."

"Don't pout, and for the last time it was your turn to do the dishes this week!"

"Not true, I did them all last week!"

Seungmin rolled his eyes again and pinched the bridge of his nose. He knew that there was absolutely no point arguing with his best friend, she was so stubborn. Seungmin constantly questioned why he agreed to room with her for their second year of university, the five months of backpacking together should have been indicator enough that when it comes to chores they tend to disagree.

"Fine, I'll do them when I get home. Now if you don't mind I have a morphology lecture to attend."

Yiren sighed.

"I'll walk with you, I've got a poetry lecture in the same building."

Together the two walked, talking about the most random things, occasionally bickering.


The pair flinched when a loud voice screamed on the other side of the courtyard. They watched as two men hugged. When they pulled apart the slightly shorter began scolding the taller for being too loud, which was hypocritical as he could also be heard from the other side of the courtyard. Seungmin frowned, there was something familiar about the shorter man, but he couldn't quite place his finger on it.

"Come Seungmin, we're going to be late."

"You go ahead, I'm sure I can miss one lecture. I'll just get notes from Aisha." Yiren looked at him sceptically, but he shooed her away. Once she was gone he began approaching the two men watching them. They had since sat down and were talking about something he couldn't hear.

He stood at a distance and just watched them converse. It confused Seungmin how familiar the short man was, and apparently he wasn't the only person watching the two men. Across the way from him a boy about his age was tightly clutching a folder to his chest and staring straight at Seungmin.


The babysitters and children cried and Juyeon popped a party popper, showering the birthday boys with confetti. Chanhee had Jeno sat on his lap and was holding him close. Seungmin sat on the chair next to them holding tightly onto his caregivers hand. Chanhee tried to reach for the presents in front of them but found he was slightly restricted.

"Seungmin I'm going to need you to let go of my hand please."

He simply got a shake of a head in response. He sighed. Chanhee gently lifted Jeno off of his lap and placed him onto the chair on the other side of him so he could at least have one hand free. Ever since Seungmin had found out he was getting adopted he refused to let Chanhee and Jeno out of his sight meaning that Jeno had been moved into Seungmin's room and Chanhee had had to take up more night shifts than he would have liked. But in the end it would be worth it, it might mean Seungmin maintains the memories he has made in this orphanage when he grows up.

It scared Chanhee to think that they could forget him. Not just Jeno and Seungmin, but the other children they look after. Jisung and Jaemin had all already been adopted, and it scared Chanhee to think that those two may have been too young to even recall their faces. He knew that was the way it was, that despite all the time and love he's put into this job the children he cared for since he was sixteen may not even remember him, but for now he would relish in the celebration.

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