iv. oh mercy

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⇰ 𝕤𝕠𝕟𝕘 𝕤𝕖𝕝𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟: 𝕚 𝕔𝕒𝕟'𝕥 𝕙𝕖𝕝𝕡 𝕞𝕪𝕤𝕖𝕝𝕗 𝕓𝕪 𝕠𝕣𝕒𝕟𝕘𝕖 𝕛𝕦𝕚𝕔𝕖

ALEX CONTINUED to pace his apartment over this, finding it difficult to ignore his tensions with the young girl. "Her sister practically puts her on a marble pedestal, I have to somehow play nice,"He thought to himself for a moment and leaned back onto the countertop as he reflected over the small exchange they'd had privately.

His phone began to ring suddenly to have him instead focus his attention to the incessant ringing. "Alex P. Keaton speaking," He spoke on the other line.

"Oh glad to hear you haven't loosened up any less during your stay over there," His mother Elyse spoke on the other line.

Easing up over the familiar sound of his mother, he took the rotary phone with him over to the small living room. "Hi mom sorry, about that. How are things back home?"

Suddenly hearing the phone stopped, Alex smiled to himself over who might've been grabbing the phone next. "Alex! Alex! I got an A on my presentation on the history of Manhattan!" His younger brother Andy bragged to him over the phone.

"That's great, Andy! See even through the phone I can help you out with your projects just like if I were back home. What'd your teacher think of it?"

"She didn't know some of the words I was saying could be even said by a kid my age but hey, gotta start learning somewhere." Alex laughed over this, feeling homesick over hearing him speak. Sure, he loved being in New York and living the life he'd always wanted for himself, especially at the high salary he already had now with being at O'Brien, Mathers, and Clark for two years now. But he still couldn't help to miss the familiar neighborhood in Ohio and all the little turmoil that came from living there. "Hold on, mom wants to talk to you again. We'll continue this another time."

Hearing the phone rustle on the other line as he assumed his mother now got a hold of it, she laughed over Andy's behavior. "He's excited to see you come by again."

"Yeah I am too, and I'll probably be bringing my girlfriend over when I do. I'm really excited for you guys to meet her," He explained.

"Right, right, the rich girl—" Elyse spoke on the other line to have him roll his eyes over the small comment he'd made over their family having money. "Oh I'm only teasing you, sweetheart. She sounds sweet from what you told us, we can't wait to meet her."

He nodded in agreement silently, still feeling tense over the argument he'd just had this afternoon with Arabella. Even without him being home, his mother seemed to sense there was something wrong as she responded to him concerned on the other line. "Anything else you wanna talk to me about?"

Part of him wanted to tell his mom over the exchange, but knowing his history of arguing with a girl like her, she'd immediately assume something else from it. Instead Alex decided to ignore the uneasiness and loosened up for a moment before responding. "No, nothing else. Just work and Diana, that's all."

»»————- ♔ ————-««

JOEY HENDERSON stepped into the Rowe's home to have Lawrence look to the young boy confused. Usually he dropped in unannounced on some day, but he appeared more frazzled stepping in now. "Joey, nice to see you come by. How's your father doing?" He only commented over his presence here.

Raising his hands out to him, Joey looked to the man worried. "Stacy and I are supposed to be working together for a project at school. She tried to get out of being partners with me, but the teacher didn't let it stick." Laughing over this amused considering since the Rowe sisters had grown up alongside the Hendersons as neighbors, Joey always was the one to be pining over one of them over the years.

Until, of course, settling with Stacy considering the other girls were too matured and older for him.

Nodding to himself confidently, he patted Lawrence's back. "Could be your son-in-law soon if this all goes well, y'know," He told the man.

Practically fainting over the very thought of a boy such as this being in any way related to him, even if his parents did have money, there was no way he'd let that happen. "Well lets try not to think that far ahead. I'll just be in my study." Leaving the young boy alone at the front door of the home, Arabella passed through unaware to now see him now gawking at the sight of her.

Adjusting the various posters she'd made, she tried to not bang her head against the wall over seeing the young boy here. Her sisters had a running gauge these days on whenever Joey would arrive to their home with a sign marked up in Stacy's room.

It had been 10 days since the latest incident and she was quite pleased with the thought of it.

"Why don't you look beautiful today, Arabella?" He commented to follow along behind her as she tried to ignore him to head over to the kitchen.

Seeing him now trailing behind like a lost puppy, she sighed in defeat. "What do you want, Joey?"

He leaned against the granite countertop in the kitchen to watch her wide-eyed as she simply tried to fix herself a mid-afternoon coffee. "Can't I just compliment the way you look?" She raised a brow to him to have the boy finally feel defeated. "Do you know when Stacy'll be home?"

Setting aside the coffee mug to turn back over to him, she slightly remembered her younger sister having planned a date with another boy in the Upper Westside. "She's gone to France, my parents shipped her off this morning. Says she'll learn how to be a 'proper lady' that way," Arabella lied to him, hoping he'd be stupid enough to believe it.

Turning over to her eldest sister now entering the room without Joey noticing caused for her to stand there stunned. Arabella eyed her in an attempt to break her out of the situation she was stuck in now. Her sister only smiled out of regret to signal herself out of the house again to have her sigh deeply in annoyance.

She continued to stand there with Joey, having all his attention now fixated on her as she was the only sister around for him to be able to keep his eyes on. "Your parents couldn't really have sent her off to France— I just saw her this morning?" Realizing if Joey hadn't he would've believed her, Arabella took her things again to walk over to her room. "Hey! When is she coming back!"

UPTOWN GIRL, alex p. keatonWhere stories live. Discover now