magnifique | twenty five

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chapter twenty five
|why must girls wait?|

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"ruby, this is serious. we're supposed to be studying each other's lips," anne shirley-cuthbert told to ruby, only to just received a snicker from ruby, "i think yours are delicate and inviting."

"really?" ruby asked as millie nodded at the young girl.

anne turned to tillie, "and tillie's are soft, even to the eye," anne said, causing tillie had a small blush in her cheeks.

anne turned to jane, "and jane's are shaped like a rosebud that's beginning to bloom," anne said, making them all giggled.

anne turned to millie, "and sister, of course, you have a perfect symmetric and soft lips that if you have a beau, he will love to kiss you every single day," anne said, causing millie to laugh.

"that's a no. i would appreciate it if they didn't kiss me," millie smirked, causing the girls gasped and muttered 'are you insane?', 'every woman should have a first kiss!', that make millie laughed again.

"mine is awful! like the fat caterpillars that live in our old willow tree," anne exclaimed.

"they do look a bit swollen," jane said as millie gave her an annoyed look but she just smiled at her innocently.

"no, it is not. anne, your lips are very fine. if i were i man, i would kiss you, like every second," millie reassured her sister.

"thank you, sister. but it is my own fault. i have a terrible of chewing on my bottom lip when i'm thinking, the trouble is i'm always thinking. are they unpleasant to look at?"

"they perfectly pink and luscious," diana answered and held anne's arm as millie smiled and nod her head to diana's statement.

"diana, you without a doubt have the best, most kissable cupid's bow," anne said making diana smile widely, "the brightest smile to light any heart."

"do you think that prissy and mister phillips have kissed?" ruby asked while giggling, making the girls giggled too.

"not yet," jane answered as she laughs. 

"but soon, i imagine. prissy's studying for her queen's academy entrance exams and sometimes mister phillips stops by our house to give her extra help," jane said as they all let out a laugh.

"prissy is only two years than us. she's only at millie's age," tillie said.

"i mean to have an official beau by the time i'm fifteen. i hope gilbert will back by then," ruby said.

"you think nothing but beaus, ruby," anne told to ruby.

"well, what's wrong with that?" ruby questioned.

"millie, otherwise, was the one that should be thinking of the beaus," jane said making the girls giggle.

"do you have a beau now, millie?" tillie asked.

millie shook her head, "no. i haven't even had a beau before. so, if you think to go to me for advice, i have nothing to say."

"you should have a beau now, then," ruby said.

"eh... true love can wait, and it is according to our dear anne."

"maybe you and benjamin are soulmates?" diana said as the girls giggles except for millie, of course, she has no idea what that benjamin even looked like and they even think of him as millie's soulmate?

"i mean, no offense, but, i don't even know what he looked like and- and, no, he's not. i don't even know him," millie said as she waves her hand.

"well, he's dreamy like gilbert. and many women swoon over him!" ruby exclaimed and the girls nod their heads. millie just shrugged and lean her head to jane's shoulder.

"well, i've never even seen a real kiss before. my parents don't go in for that kind of thing," tillie said.

"i once overheard missus lynde and her husband share a kiss. it sounded like a cow dragging its hind hoof out of a swamp!" jane exclaimed causing the girls to let out boisterous laughter.

"if someone was to kiss me, i'm afraid i would do something silly, or... forget to do something i should do. what are the rules? why don't they teach kissing etiquette?" diana questioned.

anne suddenly stood causing the girls turned their attention to her, "we should make a game, to see who could conduct the most romantic courtship, with brave knights and enchanted princesses, and sorcerer and desperadoes! it'd be great practice."

the girls laugh as ruby said, "especially for millie, she would have a beau soon!"

"diana, you can play the gallant young man," anne said as diana bent down one knee in front of anne, "oh, prince wisteria, wilt thou let fly the feather of fortune and choose thy heart-pure maiden?"

"i shall," diana answered as she accepts the feather in her hands. she soon stood up as she let the feather fly in one of the girls. 

the feather winds down in tillie's lap, making the other girls gasped. tillie stood up and stand in front of diana as the girls are watching.

"what should i do, diana?" tillie asked.

"uh, tillie, you shouldn't talk to prince wisteria as though he were our friend diana, it spoils the effect," anne explained as the girls nodded in agreement.

tillie clears her throat as she turned back to diana, "i-i'm waiting for my handsome young prince to come and claim me," tillie rather badly acted.

"ahem," diana piped in, "why, who is this fair and noble maiden?" she said as she tapped tillie's shoulder. she held tillie's back and spun her to face her and kissed her cheeks.

the girls all cheered and clapped, as millie stared at them, in awe. even if she didn't admit, she wants to experience being kissed by someone. by your true love, and of course, she's patiently waiting for him to find her.

"why must the girls wait for the boy?" anne suddenly asked, causing the girls to look at her, of course, except millie.



"if i wanted to kiss a boy couldn't just i... kiss him?" anne questioned.

"no! anne!"

"you know, girls, i certainly agree with anne," millie blurted out.


"you are surely sisters!"

"you are surely sisters!"

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