magnifique | thirty three

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chapter thirty three
|guardian angel|

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"are you sure you don't need help here, mister blythe?" millie turner-cuthbert asked.

they're currently in the backstage and ben are preparing the props as she watched him while the girls are practicing for the pantomime.

after they got back from carmody, millie quickly goes to the town hall to see what they are doing and finding someone's needs for assistance.

she saw benjamin and gilbert blythe examining the stage and the props as she reached to them and asked if they need some assistance there. gilbert, who already knew that ben was rather attached to the girl, leaving the two as he excused himself. not before, introducing himself.

"yeah," ben said as he nodded to the blond head girl, "it is fine. and not mister blythe, just ben."

millie shooked her head to the boy, "i don't come here just to watched you!"

"but i want you to just watch me," ben said as he cockily smirked.

the blonde headed girl rolled her eyes as she speaks, "let me help you whether you like it or not. i'm sure i'll better than you."

"you're on, cuthbert," ben said.

they both let out a laugh as they prepare the costumes and props for pantomime.

they were interrupted by cole screaming in pain. they both ran to cole, who was laying on the floor and screaming in pain.

"cole! cole!" millie called out to her friend as she bend her one knee to examine cole, concern fill her voice.


"cole, are you alright?"

"oh, my..."

"oh, goodness me!"

"stay still. don't move," ben instructed.

"is he alright?" missus lynde asked as she examines cole.

"his wrist is definitely broken, " ben announced, "i don't know what else."

"cole! what happened?" millie asked to cole once again as the boy looked at her.

"ask him!" cole said as he looked at billy andrews, who has a panicked expression on his face.

"what did you do?!" millie angrily asked as she glared at the andrews boy.

"it was an accident!" billy reasoned as they all looked at him, "i swear!"

"well, i don't believe you, you ill-mannered simp!" millie exclaimed as she slapped billy's face.

all the people who witness was rather shocked to millie's action as the girl's, ben, and gilbert secretly let out a small smile.

before billy could absorb what just happened, ben quickly pulled millie to his side as he dragged her outside for some fresh air. millie quickly calmed down as she saw the beautiful snow, she always loved winter, it gave her an odd feeling she could never explain.

millie gave the older blythe boy a thankful smile, "you're always appearing in the situation that i need helping. you must be my guardian angel or something," she joked to him.

ben gave her a genuinely smiled, which he usually don't do, causing millie to slightly be shocked.

millie also surprise by the seriousness of the oldest blythe as he spoke,

"i'd be extremely delighted to be your guardian angel."

«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»

"...of all the trees that are in the woods..." millie sung as she, anne, and marilla are preparing meals for christmas eve.

"your voice is like an angel singing, millie," anne complimets to her sister, of course, with her uniquely way of expressing words.

"why, thank you, dear sister," millie answered.

"trinidad!" anne suddenly exclaimed as millie and marilla looked at her, "oh, i'm so excited to meet sebastian!"

"me either! ben said he's really great!" millie said as anne gave her an teasing look by the mention of ben's name, receiving only a nudge.

"try not to make a fuss," marilla said, making the two girls suddenly stopped what they're doing.

"he's... well, he's... he's an islander. just like us," marilla said, unsurely of what to say.

"do you reckon they like mince pies in trinidad?" anne asked.

"i sure hope so," millie said.

"either way, i'm sure he'll be polite about it. he seems like a very nice fellow indeed," marilla said.

suddenly, matthew comes in with a christmas tree in his hand.

"no, you don't. straight to the parlor, please," marilla scolded to matthew as he drag the christmas tree out again, "and mind you, pass a broom afterwards. i won't have these pine needles underfoot. we've got company coming."

millie and anne shared a look before let out a snickers as they hummed again the christmas song.

millie and anne shared a look before let out a snickers as they hummed again the christmas song

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