Chapter 6 |Mate|

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"I would now love someone who would never love me."

Madelynn's Point of View

Alpha Carver Modesto

A name most people knew, not for his good looks and height but for the ferociousness and stoic face he always seemed to possess. 

I cautiously inched closer towards him but abruptly stopped when I saw him step back. A sharp jolt of pain ran through me when I saw him do that but I ignored it.

He carelessly ran a hand through his dark locks and growled lowly to himself but his electric blue eyes never left mine. I patiently waited for him to do something, anything. sadly, he just stayed there, the same neutral expression on his face. 

"H-hi. I- I'm your mate...Alpha," I stuttered out, my face growing red with embarrassment.

Alpha Modesto just continued to stand there and watch me. I grew uneasy as time seemed to drag on. His expression slowly began to change, a look of disgust now flashing through his eyes as he stalked towards me. His heavenly scent encompassed me and I just wanted to close my eyes and revel in it. He inched a hand up to my face and lightly dragged a finger down my cheek, little sparks erupting under his fingertips.

Before I knew it, that same hand wrapped tightly around my throat, causing me to cry out in surprise. His eyes darkened as I was lifted off the ground and he squeezed tightly. My arm scratched his,, nails digging into skin as I lost oxygen. Dark spots closed in on my vision as I writhed in pain and choked for air.

Why? Why was he doing this?

Suddenly as I was on the brink of unconsciousness, I was flung away from him and thrown unceremoniously to the concrete floor. As I sat, greedily sucking in air, my hands wrapped delicately around my throat which felt chaffed and irritated, Alpha Modesto just let out a dark laugh and stooped down to me.

I now eyed him wearily, hurt and pain running deep through me. My lupus was shocked and we were both confused at the revelation that was happening.

"You are no mate of mine mutt." his deep, husky voice spat at me.

A small whimper escaped me and I curled into myself, baffled and slightly afraid of my own mate. Small droplets of tears trickled down my flush cheeks, the water feeling like fire in its path. My hair was disheveled and the palms of my hands burned as they were bruised and scraped from when he flung me.

Grabbing my chin roughly, my watery eyes met his that were never wavering, still expressionless--dead. It was like what he just did had no effect on him. I was his mate, his destined one, how? How could he not react.

"What's your name mate?" Alpha Modesto asked condescendingly, a saccharine smile appearing on his face.

"It's Madelynn Moore Alpha," I whispered meekly, voice hoarse and raw. It felt like I was back before Quinn and Luke, trying to cocoon myself within my shell that still never stopped the oncoming attack.

"Madelynn," my name rolled off his tongue, "You're coming with me to  my pack, no questions but let's get one thing straight here, you will never be my luna or mate. I already have the one meant for me and she is not you."

Each word felt like knives that slashed at my battered heart, leaving open wounds that would not heal. The tears continued to fall as my hair covered me, providing some form of protection from the man before me.

"Sweetheart?" a soft voice called out from the entry of the balcony that surprisingly, no one else came through, breaking me out of my reverie.

Shooting my head up, I saw a beautiful girl, lithe and graceful, her blonde hair cascading like warm rays of sunshine down her back. She looked ethereal as she walked towards Alpha Modesto, her hand reaching out to his.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2020 ⏰

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