Chapter 2 |Thoughts|

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"How do I run from what's inside my head?"

Madelynn's Point of View

It was always useless to scream. No one ever came anyway. No one saved me from a nightmare I never woke up from. But yet I still screamed, hoping someone, anyone would come. 

The single thought that was running through my mind was, "What is wrong with me?"

Luke sneered and his friends laughed. I was entertainment for them and they always reveled in my misery. Each kick, each punch, it was something I would never forget. 

The abuse was ingrained in my mind now and it haunted me because when the aftermath always came I believed what I told myself when I said,"You deserve this."

"Why has our little birdie gotten so quiet?" Andrew, one of Luke's friends said to me.

The four guys had gagged me with a piece of cloth they always brought and tied my hands and feet. My breathing was labored and my head hurt. Tears streamed down my face and I hiccuped with the amount of screaming and crying I was doing.

 One of them punched me till my nose was broken and now, gushing so much blood I could taste it on the cloth stuffed in my mouth as it dribbled down my chin. Dazed and disoriented, I looked up at the fluorescent lights that littered the ceiling.

Another guy grabbed my hair by my scalp tightly and continuously banged my head on the gymnasium's tiled floor. I lost vision for a second while someone else held my feet down so I would stop moving.

 I felt bruises forming from how hard his nails had dug into my skin. It left a stinging, searing pain that was embedded into my mind by now.

"This is getting  boring to be honest, why don't we spice it up a little?" Luke himself taunted as all four of them shared a knowing look.

That's when I heard it, The sound of a belt being loosed.

My eyes widened in panic and no matter how tired I felt or how bad I hurt, adrenaline spiked my blood and I started to hyperventilate. They managed to to turn me onto my stomach no matter how hard I fought back. 

They were always stronger. As I yelled and shouted as much as I could through the gag, nothing prepared me for the type of pain that would forever haunt me.

In a blink of an eye they had raised my sweatshirt and without warning, brought the belt buckle down hard upon my back. It hurt. So much and I let out such an agonizing yell that made them pause for a moment.

"Finally, the real fun can start," Luke whispered harshly in my ear before grabbing my hair and smacking me face first into the ground. Black dots obscured my vision and my forehead burned

The belt buckle was brought down continuously and without mercy. With each blow the skin softened and by the tenth whip, they broke my skin. It was as if they high off of this because I heard the sound of another belt being unbuckled. I whimpered and I sobbed but there was nothing else I could do but take the pain.

My eyes burned and I curled my fingers into one another despite the discomfort with how tight the bonds were.

A stinging sensation was felt on my calves and I realized someone else was whipping me on my legs. I just cried and cried as each whip and laugh took me deeper into a place I didn't want to go.

My mind.

All of a sudden, I was flipped over and Luke stood right in front of my face as he held me by the collar. Tears ran down my face and my cheeks were probably red, I was a mess.

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