Five: Janus

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"Virgil!" Janus ran into Virgils hospital room. Virgil smiled and pulled him into a hug.

"Hey Dee, kinda glad you get to go home today!" He smiled. Janus looked down.

"But I'm afraid of parents seem to think me and you just ran away together and the reason why your so sick is because we don't know how to take care of ourselves...I...I'm sorry I couldn't tell anyone about what actually happened..." Janus wiped his face.

"I couldn't tell them either..." Virgil mumbled. "The only reason they knew I was missing was because Logan, Patton and Roman had all reported it. They assumed I ran away though..."

"Are you going to really keep it like that?" Janus asked. Virgil smiled sadly.

"Yes...I know we should say something but.." Janus sat down on the bed across from Virgil. "Maybe we should wait until we know that Logan is safe?"

"I agree, but what about Roman and Patton, I can't believe they both went back there...I hope they're okay..." Virgil squeezed his arm.

"I'll be home tomorrow, they said I can go back after they run some test to make sure I didn't damage anything with all that throwing up." Virgil looked at his hands. "I'm sorry he took you..."

"Virgil stop blaming yourself..." he hugged Virgil. "I have to go back home. here." Janus handed Virgil his phone. "Entertainment." He chuckled as he walked out of the room. As soon as they pulled up to his house his parents started lecturing him about leaving unsupervised. He went to his room a few ho  it's later and locked himself in there. He closed his eyes but all he heard were the creepy bugs. His eyes flung open and he walked over to his desk. There's no way he was going to sleep. He checked the time. God it was after midnight he definitely wasn't sleeping tonight. He sighed. Might as well write down what happened if he wasn't going to tell anyone. He couldn't keep this bottled up anymore.

I wasn't there long. Maybe just a few days...Virgil was there longer. He was worse off than me. But Remus had locked me away in a storage unit chained to a chair with my mouth gagged and bugs under a plastic covering on a plate they could have easily eaten through and gotten to me. I was there for twenty four hours before Logan came and untied me. If it weren't for him I don't think Remus would have let me go. I probably deserved being locked there. I pissed Remus off to the point where Logan had to make sure nothing else happened. LOGAN WAS RAPED BECAUSE HE WAS TRYING TO PROTECT US! Logan let himself be hurt because he didn't want Remus hurting me or Virgil! I was always so mean to Logan during his class yet he cared enough to let himself go through that just so remus wouldn't hurt us, just so we could escape. We did escape...though Roman and Patton got involved and are probably hurt now. I'm scared. Is this my fault? Virgil was trying to protect me by throwing up but Remus took me anyways...Logan was trying to protect us by fucking Remus, but Remus ended up hurting both of us anyways. Mentally that is. I don't think Virgil will ever be able to get back to a healthy weight after this without some serious medical help..and me? God I can't get over my stupid fear of Remus. I can fight him off I'm sure of it but I'm not strong enough. He'll lock me away with the bugs and this time nobody will be able to save me.

Janus set the pen down and looked down at his phone that lay resting on the desk. It was vibrating like crazy. Who was calling him at this hour? His eyes widened when he saw it was Patton. He answered immediately.

"Patton!" He cheerfully cried.

"Heh, not quite." Remus. Janus almost dropped his phone.

"What happened to Patton?" He asked quickly.

"Nothing, they are all safe. They agreed to stay. Now will you come back here and stop running away? I'll find Virgil and hurt him if not kiddo." He growled into the phone. Janus looked at his door and then at the window sadly. Oh god why was he going to do this?

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