Fifteen: Logan

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Logan walked into the room Virgil was supposed to be in. He looked around in panic when he couldn't find him. What the hell did Remus do!

"V-Virgil!" Logan ran into the room and looked under the bed and behind things not finding Virgil. He walked over to the closet. He knocked three times. Oh god please be in there. Suddenly there was a noise inside the closet and Logan sat back relieved. "Virg, it's me...Logan." The door flung open and Virgil pulled him into a hug.

"I'm so sorry!" Virgil cried. Logan rubbed Virgils back and they both sat on the ground.

"Remus didn't...Virgil do you remember anything?" Logan asked. They cuddled closer and leaned against the wall, Logan kept his eyes on the door just in case. Virgil placed his head on Logan's shoulder.

"I don't remember if he...if he did anything. I only remember hiding in the closet..." Virgil wiped his face.

"If you remember eventually, you'd tell me right?" Logan asked sadly. Virgil nodded and cuddled closer to Logan.

"Of course Logan." Virgil yawned as he clung to Logan's arm. "I'm just...scared to fall asleep."

"It's alright, we don't have to sleep Virgil. We can I actually wanted to ask you something I know it's a little out there right now with the current situation-." Virgil pulled away and sat up staring at Logan.

"Logan, your rambling. Are you that nervous to ask the question?" Virgil asked. Logan laughed.

"I was going to have Patton and Roman help me out I'm not that good at surprises....or emotions. But... I wanted to ask you if you wanted to become a family? I wouldn't take the place of your real parents obviously, id just be there as your parental figure until you turned eighteen but I just didn't like the idea of you being all alone and I..." Virgil hugged him tight.

"Yes! Yes! A million times yes! I'd love that!" Virgil started to cry as he held Logan. "Thank you Logan!" Logan smiled.

"It's not a problem Virg." Logan held Virgil in a hug one more time before helping him over to the bed. "Now, I know I said we'd talk but you really need sleep." Virgil laughed and laid down.

"Don't leave me?" He asked. Logan got under the covers and they cuddled against eachother. Logan made sure Virgil was against his chest and he was facing the door so if Remus entered, he could easily throw Virgil under the bed. Virgil suddenly turned around to face Logan reaching up to his face.

"What are you doing?" Logan asked looking down at him.

"You can't sleep with these on, you'll break them." Virgil took off his glasses, then turned back around placing them next to the bed.

"Virgil, now I can't see." Logan grumbled.

"Well, duh. You are supposed to be going to sleep as well. Now sleep." Virgil mumbled as he drifted off to sleep. Logan laughed.

"Oh you little shit." Logan rolled his eyes and held Virgil in a hug again. He couldn't help but smile as he closed his eyes and placed his chin on Virgils head.

***(inside Patton's office)***

"Okay, but that doesn't mean we can get away from him! He's...he's not who he once was and he's threatened these kids I can't just let them get hurt!" Patton cried.

"And we won't let him touch them! When we get them away we can-."

"The only one who doesn't have a family to go home to is Virgil, Roman. Janus can be happy with his family, you two will be happy together and what about Virgil? I can't just let him be all alone... I know he might not want to but....after all of this ends what if I..." Logan sighed. "This is a stupid matter. We have to just get away before I can even think about this."

"Oh my gosh Logan, are you thinking of adopting Virgil!" Patton squealed. Logan smiled.

"Yeah, if he would want me to of course." Roman and Patton hugged him tight.

"I'm sure Virgil would love you as a dad!" Patton cheered. Logan looked down at his feet and smiled.

"Well, after everything is over I really hope so too." He smiled back up at the two. "You two just have to help me, plan how I'm going to ask him and all...I'm not really good with emotions and I don't exactly want to hurt Virgil In anyway-."

"Of course we'll help you! This is amazing!" Patton squealed and hugged Logan again.

"We just have to get away from Remus now, then everything will hopefully get back to normal." Logan and Roman looked at a bouncing Patton and laughed.

"Well, luckily it's school vacation starting next Tuesday so we have all the time in the world to get away from Remus." Patton smiled at the two even wider. "Love you both so very much!" They tackles eachother in a hug again and laughed as they fell to the ground. Everything was gonna be okay.

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