Twenty-eight: virgil

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****a few months later****
Remus smiled as he walked into the room. Virgil and Janus looked up at him and then they both groaned.

"Seriously?" Virgil asked. "One fucking day alone would be amazing you fucking asshole." Virgil stood up shakily. He almost fell to the ground but Janus caught him. Janus worriedly looked him over. knowing that Virgil was getting sicker and sicker and they couldn't do anything about it really sucked. Especially because Remus didn't care.

"How about I give you two a reward? You've been so good, come on." Remus gestured at the door. Virgil cling to Janus as they left the room. Remus led them up some stairs and opened the door leading to a living room. Virgil immediately noticed Logan asleep, Patton holding Logan's head in his lap while leaning into Roman. When they heard the door Patton gently shook Logan who opened his eyes and sat up. They all pulled apart from eachother and Logan walked over to a separate chair. Virgil watched as Roman went and sat on the floor away from Patton. Virgil looked at Remus and then broke away and ran over to Logan who caught him and immediately started to cry.

"Oh my god." He held Virgil and started to cry. "I'm so glad to see you."

"You have all been so well behaved, you have an hour." Remus went to leave. Logan pulled away and wiped the tears from Virgils cheek. Roman was holding Janus and looking him up and down.

"God you two look like shit..." Logan grumbled. He moved Virgils bangs from his face. "Has he-."

"He's hit me quite a few times, only because I trash talked him." Logan sighed and held Virgil again.

"It's been two months since we last saw you I was so worried I thought he might have killed you..." Logan wiped tears from his eyes.

"That's what me and Roman thought about you Logan remember..." Patton whispered.

"Wait what happened?" Virgil asked. Logan looked over at Patton and Roman and then down at his hands.

"He separated us for a month....he refused to let me come out here to see Roman and Patton and he refused to..." Logan looked back at patton and Roman. "Nevermind."

"Wait no....Logan what did he do?" Virgil asked as he held Logan's hands. Logan looked at Virgil and then over to Roman.

"I'm not saying it." Logan looked away ashamed. Virgil grabbed his hands.

"Hey, nothing he did to you will ever make us not love and care about you..." Virgil met Logan's eyes and smiled. "Your my dad Logan." Logan wiped tears from his eyes and pulled Virgil closer.

"Are...Lo did he..." Patton looked at Roman and then back at Logan. "You said he didn't stop...did he really...for an entire month-."

"Patton, yes. Now please stop talking." Logan mumbled.


"Patt, please just leave it." Roman quickly said. "Have you and Dee at least been together this entire time or has he separated you two?" Virgil looked at Janus and then back at Roman.

"Yeah, and he has but...only when one of us needs to be punished..." Virgil looked down. "He took Dee away for a whole week once and didn't even come check on me just left me alone in a room with my thoughts.."

"He didn't feed you or anything!" Patton cried. Virgil just shook his head.

"No he didn't, Linus did." Virgil immediately looked away.

"Virgil?" Logan asked. Virgil looked up at his dad and smiled. Logan immediately held him tighter.

"He didn't...." Patton touched his own face and then looked at Virgil concerned.

"No Patton." Virgil walked over and hugged him. "I would have told you if he did I promise." He tried to hide a cough and choked.

"Virgil..." Logan looked him in the eyes. "Are you alright?" Virgil shrugged.

"Yeah of course I am...w-." Virgil coughed and then bit his lip. "Okay so I might be a little sick.." Logan pulled Virgil over to the couch.

"You were burning up the entire time I was hugging you..." Logan mumbled.

"Is he going to be okay!" Roman asked quickly as he ran over with a wet rag. Virgil sighed.

"Guys I know, I've been sick for like...a month? It hasn't gotten worse so I'm fine." Virgil reached up and smiled sadly at Roman after pushing the rag away. "Please stop he's going to be back any minute and take us from you guys anyways..."

"Virgil I know...but you are really sick and if we don't do this right now you could-."

"Die? I know..." Virgil looked at his hands. "I'm sorry I know, I know this isn't right and I can't just let this happen but he knows I'm sick...he knows it yet he's letting this happen..."

"Virgil please that doesn't mean we have to watch you suffer!" Patton cried. Logan was silently holding Virgils hand.

"Don't go..." he whispered. Virgil looked up sadly and squeezed Logan's hand.

"I don't plan on it." He whispered back. Logan pulled Virgil into a hug and Virgil wiped tears from Logan's eyes. "I promise you I'll be here okay? I won't fight Remus anymore I'll try and be as good as I can so maybe he won't hurt me as much..."

"Virgil-." Virgil looked at Janus sadly. "Guys we can't just let him do this!"

"He'll hurt you more if you try to stay..." Roman said as he pulled Janus into a hug. "We'll be right here when you get back Dee. We promise." Roman kissed his forehead. "Nobodies going anywhere." They all did a group hug and Virgil wiped his face as they sat away from eachother. Logan sat back down in the chair, Patton sat on the couch and Roman sat down on the floor away from the other two.

"Why the floor?" Virgil asked as he looked at Roman.

"Because Remus doesn't want me near anyone...he wants me to stay away and-."

"If me and Patton don't behave he can easily kick Roman." Logan stated as he looked sadly over at Roman. "And if Roman fights back, he can easily get to either of us." Virgil looked back at them sadly.

"I can't believe him." Virgil glared at the floor.

"We'll all be okay soon..." Roman said as he smiled at everyone. "Keep those heads up! We-we can get away from my brother again!"

"We can do it." Virgil repeated with a small smile. He held januss hand and they all sat in silence. They will get out of here, and when they do...everything will hopefully be okay again.

AN okay soooo this book is coming to an end soon! I'm gonna end it two ways cuz I know some people want the angsty ending while some may want the happy ending so there will be two different endings! How fun is that!? Anyways, I will probably be posting another Sanderssides fic so hopefully you guys keep an eye out? Love you guys, gals and non binary pals! 💕

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