Chapter 18

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"Okay, Thank you ma'am." I said and walked back to my Mercedes. Tears were filling up in my eyes, why didn't she tell me? She can tell me, does this mean i'll never see her again? Will I have to get onto a plane just to go and see her? How does she expect me to live without her? But she says she can't go a day without seeing me and I know it was hard for her when I left, But she knew I was coming back and I had no choice, I explained. But now shes moved away from me. I don't know if she is ever going to come back. I arrived at my house and I parked my car, got out of it and locked the car door, I walked into my house and straight upstairs, I got undressed, leaving me in my boxers and looking thrpugh my wardrobe. I found Leah's Fave pajama top and trousers and slippers and put them on, then I put on my dressing gown she bought for me. I miss her so much. I'm still in shock. I layed down on my bed and got my phone.

Ashton: You could of told me Leah, You can tell me anything. Your mum said you moved to America a few days ago. So I was guessing you moved out of ypour mums house and moved into your own house in America.

Leah: Yes Ashton I'm In America. No Ashton I haven't moved houses.

Ashton: So what are you doing in America then?

Leah: Nothig Ashton. I dont want to tell you.

Ashton: You cann tell me anyting you know that.

Leah: I know I can, Ashton. But i'm sure you'll find out. Good night.

Ashton: I love you Leah

Leah: I do too Ash.

Tears Rolled down my eyes as I lay in bed. Why is she in America?

Questions flowed in and out my head as I cried myself to sleep

-------------The Early Morning--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Ashton: Good Morning Leah x

Ashton: Are you awake x

Ashton: Well you should be because you always text me at ths time ti make sure im awake x

Ashton: Leah?

Ashton: Hello? LEAH

Ive texted Leah so many times, and ive called her loads aswell, I dont know whats going on at all, But i'm really really sad, This is all my fault. I get up, Inlook through the draws and find Leah's blade. Shes always kept it there, and ive always made sure she hasn't used it. But this time for the first time ever I shall use it, Im not doing this because I want to, im doing it for Leah, and it's obvious I made her move to America, Its all my fault that shes ignoring me. I walk into the bathrom, I sit where Leah would of sat if she done this, For the first time I hold the blade to my skin and cut, For a second I felt okay, I done it again and again. Blood was everywhere, I had to clean up. 

------------------- A week later-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Over the past week Ive started to have Leah's life, I'm really depressed and it's really hard to be strong, I cant believe how strong she was. My mum said I have to go to a help centre. She said she is going to bring me a list of really good help centres that she thinks could help me. I was thinking to choose one in America so I would know im in the same place as Leah and I wouldnt have to worry about being miles and miles away from her. My mum walked into the house "Here you go sweetie. Have a look, I only wrote the names down , not where they are but after tell me what oneyou want and ill call them up I have all the numbers to them so while im on the phone you can search them up and have a look." "Okay mum, Thanks." She left the room, leaving me the list. I looked down it and one only caught my eye, Berry Lane. Thats the one I want. I wonder where it is, It sounds like its in Australia. "Mum! Mum!" I shouted . "Coming Ashton!" She shouted back. She came in. "Have you chosen one?" "Yeah mum, Ive chosen Berry Lane." !"Okay Sweety, I have the number. How about you search it on the computer downstairs and have a look while im callin them?" I nodded. I walked downstairs and got onto the computer. I searched in google and then when google loaded I searched Berry Lane. I was gobsmacked. I had  no idea, But Berry Lane is in America! At that momment my mum walked in and said "Are you sure you want Berry Lane?" I nodded. "Okay Good, Because they said you could go there today, I already have the plane tickets so t worry you only have 1 hour to pack." I nodded and walked upstairs and started packing, I had until 12 to pack as it's 11 am. I finished packing just in tme, my mum gave me something to eat and im ready to leave. I went to the front door and said my goodbyes, I walked up to the trunk of the taxi and put in my suitcases, I then walked and got into the back of the taxi, I waved until I could no longer see my mum. We finally arrived at the airport, I said thanks for my ride and then walked into the airport. I waited to collect my suitcase and then got onto my plane.



I havent been answering any of Ashton's calls, I havent replied to his texts, I dont know what to say, He will just keep asking why im in America, I understand why he is asking but Im here because I need help, and partly because of him because my depression and that got worse while he was gone. "Leah, Just letting you know there will be a new boy coming here and taking the last room in this place, He will be next to you okay?" Said Anne "Yeah." Alright, New boy, I wonder why he is coming here, Maybe hes gonna be nice and ill finally make a friend in this place.


-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I just got off the plane, I'm now on another taxi to Berry Lane. "Excuse me Sir, This is your stop." I thanked the man as he helped me get my suitcases and drove me here, I walked towards the bbig doors and there was this woman waiting for me. "Hello Ashton, Im Anne." She said with a smile. "Yes, It's scary the first time here and also getting over your depression. We have heard you stroy and thanks for sharing it with us and for coming here, Do you need me to help you with your suitcases while i show you to your room?" She asked. " Yes please. After you." She nodded taking one of my suitcases and showing me to my room. "Here is your room, This place is now full you came, Our last arrival was about a week ago. So I ewill be back soon, Ill let the girl next to you know you are here. Bye." Well I started to unpack, I had a plain silver room and the carpet was white. I unpacked everything. I could hear the others talking next door, The girl sounded alot like Leah. Oh How I wish.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------LEAH'S POV


Anne came in and told me that the new boy has arrived, I heard them talking, I coulnt help but think that the boy next door sounded like Ashton, Oh I wish.

"Leah The Cantine is going to close in 20 mins, Go and get your dinner."  I nodded as she walked out.




"Ashton, Im sorry I didn't remeber to get you to wak with the girl next door to you, but the cantne closes in 20 mins so go get your dinner go down all the stairs until you get to the sencond landing and you walk across until you see the 2 big doors and get your dinner." I nodded and I walked out and I turned my head to face the other side of this floor to the second set of this floor to see a girl standing there who looked just like Leah...




I was on my way out to the second bit of the stairs on my landing and I looked across the landing to where the other set was and saw a boy who looked just like Ashton.....

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