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y/n pov:
I walked into school instantly getting stares.
People were whispering to each other and laughing.
I just ignored it and walked into first period getting stares again.
Alejandro pov:
I was talking to Mattia in the hallway when everyone phone went off at the same time.
I opened it and saw a nude of Y/n.
Mattia: bro is this Y/n?
Ale: yes bruh
I stared at the picture.
The things I would do to her
Mattia: what would you do to her?
Ale:fuck did I say that out loud
Mattia: pretty much
I faced palmed myself the bell rung and we went to first period.
y/n pov:
When I walked in first period everyone started whispering .
I rolled my eyes and went go sit by Alejandro.
Ale: umm Y/n check your phone .
I looked confused and did what he said then I saw it ! A nude of me
Y/n: oh fuck
I started turning red
Y/n: oh well idc
Ale: at least your body is nice
I looked at him and started laughing.
Ale: wanna hangout at my place later.
Y/n: sureee

ale pov:
We walked into my room and now here's my time.
Ale: y/n
Y/n: yes
I looked down at my feet
Ale:fuck it
I slammed her against the wall but not to hard and started kissing her .

Y/n pov:
Ale slammed me against the wall and started kissing me at first I didn't kiss him back bc I was shocked but I did it started to turn into a heated makeout.
He broke the kiss and threw me on the bed and climbed on top of me and started kissing me I kissed him back .
I tugged on his shirt signaling for him to take it off
He broke the kiss and took off his shirt I just stared at his toned abs.
Ale: like what you see mamas ?
Y/n: yess daddy
He smirked and took off my shirt and shorts revealing my red lace bra and panties .
He then started sucking on my neck.
Y/n: m-mmh ale
He than stopped
Ale:that's not my name mamas
Y/n: sorry daddy
He smirked .
He started kissing me again.
He moved his other hand down to my 🐱
Rubbing me through my panties.
Making me moan into the kiss
He smirked and moved his hand behind my back in clipping my bra with one hand.
While the other was still rubbing my 🐱
He than started sucking on my boob making me a moaning mess .
Ale:shhhh my mom is home.
He moved to between my legs looking at me for consent I nodded .
He removed my panties with his teeth i bit my lip while he was doing it
He took them off and threw them some where in the room.
He than was staring at my 🐱
I got kinda insecure and closed my legs but he opened them back up.
He licked an bold stripe up my pussy.
I moaned not to loud
He than started doing figure eights with his tongue on my clit.
I pulled his hair making him groan .
His groan made me wetter .
He stuck a finger in
Making me moan .
Y/n:fuck daddy
He smirked while still sucking my clit while sticking his finger in and out me he added another going a little faster.
I felt a knot in my stomach .
Y/n: fuck papi ima cum
Ale: hold it
I held it but couldn't no more
Y/n: I need to cum
I said quietly screaming
Ale: go
I came and he licked me clean.
Ale : you taste good mamas
I bit my lip in response.
He pulled down his sweatpants and boxers
Making his length hit his stomach
My eyes widen
He chuckled and went to grab a condom but I stopped him.
Y/n: I want it raw
Ale:you dont know what you got yourself into mamas
He said while walking back up to me .
I turned in doggy style looking back .
He just stood there with his eyes wide .
Ale:hold up I'll brb
I looked confuse but he came back with a mirror and sat it down on the bed where it would not fall.
Ale:when I say look in the mirror you better do it and not take your eyes off of it got that.
Y/n: yes daddy
He started playing music so his mom couldn't hear us hopefully.
(Play the music)
He climbed back on the bed and lined his length with my hole.
Ale: you ready
Y/n:yes daddy
He slammed into me instantly pounding into me.
He was so big.(lmao I'm cringing hard rn🤣)
Y/n: f-fuck d-daddy y-your s-so b-big
I said struggling to get my words out.
Ale: *groan* fuckkk your so tight
He said throwing his head back
He than pushed my head down into the bed .
And started going at an unhuman pace.
I bit the sheets trying to contain myself from screaming .
I put my hand in the way to make him slow down but he moved it and pinned it behind my back.
He than removed my hand from behind his back and made me look in the mirror.
Ale:look at me in the eyes while I'm fucking you mamas got that .
Y/n: ye-yes papi
I tried to keep looking him in his eyes but they rolled behind my head.
He stopped and turned me over on my back and slammed into me again hitting my gspot.
Y/n: fuck papi right there
I felt that familiar knot in my stomach
Y/n:fuck ima cum
Ale:hold it
He kept going his thrust getting sloppier which meant he was close.
He thrusted one more time which made my legs start shaking like crazy.
We both came at the same time making our juices mix together.
Y/n:fuckk that was amazing
Ale: we should do that often.
I managed to get up.
But I was limping .
Ale: i did you right
Y/n: shut up
We took a shower changed the sheets and went to sleep.

~authors note~
Ok ok I know this was kinda trash. But I need ideas on what to do next. BUT HOPE YOU ENJOYED BITCHESSSS✌🏼😝

1077 words.

𝐬𝗺𝐮𝐭𝐬//𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐣𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐫𝗼 𝐫𝗼𝐬𝐚𝐫𝐢𝗼🌚Where stories live. Discover now