✨Vibrating Panties Challenge✨

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so today alr kept begging me to this stupid ass challenge called the VIBRATING PANTIES CHALLENGE
or whatever tf that's called .
"Please baby"
Ale begged
"Omg fine" I said giving in
"Here" He said handing them to me
"How tf did u get these" I said
"Duh the sex store" he said laughing
I rolled my eyes and went to the bathroom to put them on .
After I put them on I came out waddling like a penguin bc they were so fucking uncomfy.
"They are uncomfy" I said whining
"Your gonna be alright" he said smiling big
"And please don't do nothing dumb with that"
I said pointing at the little remote in his hand.
"Can't promise that" he said smirking .
~I think ale forgot about it~ I thought to myself.
We were walking in the mall and we passed by a Starbucks .
"Ouu babe cmon" I said dragging ale inside it.
"What do you want"
I said
"Give me the pink drink"
He said
I walked off to the counter to order the drinks
"Hello can I have-"
I got caught off by ale turning on the vibrator .
"Fuck" I mumbled
I shut my legs closed
"U-Um c-can i h-have t-two m-medium p-pink d-drinks"
I said stuttering
"Um ma'am are you alright"
The lady said
"y-yes j-just stomach c-cramps"
I said
"Oh ok that will be 8.47"
I handed her the money and walked back to ale with my legs shut (imagine walking like that😂)
He finally turned it off
I punched his arm
"Really you motherfucker"
I said mad
He just laughed .
Blah blah blah we got out drinks and blah blah and went back walking around the mall.
He did it a couple more times .
When we were getting shoes,when I was trying on clothes,and he also made me drop my drink.
Now after that I was pissed.

~authors note~
I fucking hate this ughhhh🥺🥺🥺!!!
But n e wayzzz Ima post part 2 tonight .

𝐬𝗺𝐮𝐭𝐬//𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐣𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐫𝗼 𝐫𝗼𝐬𝐚𝐫𝐢𝗼🌚Where stories live. Discover now