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(Play the song it make the story way better)

this is not a smut it's just a little something that came to mind so... this is gonna be sad so you might wanna grab some kleenex .

y/n pov:
me and ale were doing our daily run together. I've had a crush on him for the longest and today I was planning to ask him out .
We flirted a couple time but I've never thought anything of it.
Mattia and the boys would always tell me that he liked me but I never believed them.
Ale- hurry up slow poke.
Y/n- *giggles* wait up
We were crossing the street when out of nowhere a car was coming to me at full speed.
Ale:watch out !
Ale hurried and jumped to push me out of the way but instead he got hit.
I hit my head on the ground hard but i managed to stand up.
But when I stood up I saw something I never wanted to see in a million years .

Alejandro on the ground in a pool of blood .
I screamed
Y/n- somebody call 911!
I ran up to ale and hugged him
Y/n- pls ale wake up
I was balling me eyes out.
I kept praying and praying for him to wake up.
The ambulance finally came and tried to do everything they could to wake him up.

Ambulance woman- ma'am I'm so sorry to say this but he didn't make it .
Those words that came out her mouth broke my heart into pieces .
I ran balling my eyes out not caring where I was going .
I just ran and ran until I finally stopped on a cliff.
I screamed
Y/n- I should've been the one not him !!!
I couldn't believe the love of my life gone this instant .
I ran to the edge of the cliff and looked down .

Y/n- fuck life I just want to be in heaven with Ale, I can't continue my life without him .
I looked around one last time before saying

"I surrender"

Then I jumped....

~authors note~
Omg this was hell of a sad story. I cried myself typing this story.
But I hope you enjoyed it.
I might do a part 2 on it .
But trust me it's going to be really good.
Love you all <3

𝐬𝗺𝐮𝐭𝐬//𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐣𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐫𝗼 𝐫𝗼𝐬𝐚𝐫𝐢𝗼🌚Where stories live. Discover now