✨dont know a title✨

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y/n pov:
me,ale,ale's mom and his dad were on a road trip on the way back home.
A/m: do you mind tutoring ale in social studies
y/n: sure bc he's so d-
I got caught off by ale slipping his hands in my pants.
Ale came to my ear and whispered
Ale: say something else I dare you.
Which made me get wetter
He stuck a finger in me.
I moaned loudly
A/m: umm y/n are you ok
Y/n: yes ma'am I just caught a cramp in my leg
Knowing damn well I was lying 🤣
Ale took his finger out me.
I whimpered at the lost of contact.
y/n: wtf ale
He just smirked

5 minutes later
We were almost to the hotel when Ale called by name.
Ale: y/n help me in hard
Y/n: no you can wait till we get back home.
Ale: suck me off
Y/n: fuck no your parents are right there.
Ale: who caresss
Y/n: noooooo
Ale: fine
He put his hand in his pants and took out his hard length .
I just stared
Ale: stop staring .
Y/n: put it back up wait till we get back home .
He put his length back in his pants.


We finally arrived back home.
A/m: ale and y/n we will be leaving for a business trip pls take care of the house.
Ale: ok mom
A/m: and also when I get back Y/n better not be pregnant.
Ale: ok but can't promise that one
A/m and Y/n: Alejandro
They all started laughing and Ale's parents left
Leaving the house to Y/n and Ale.

Y/n: soo what do you wanna do know
Ale:you know what I wanna do
He said smirking .
Dragging me too the room.

Keep going

Almost there😅

Don't stop

Ight ima stop fucking with u🤣

~authors note~

ok but im really sorry for that😂 but should I do a part 2?

342 words.

𝐬𝗺𝐮𝐭𝐬//𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐣𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐫𝗼 𝐫𝗼𝐬𝐚𝐫𝐢𝗼🌚Where stories live. Discover now