✨shower sex✨

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so umm.. I guess this is going to be a shower smut😅.

y/n's pov:
I was coming home from work .
I was very frustrated bc they kept making me do shit.
I walked in the house and slammed the door behind me.
Making Alejandro run from down stairs.
Ale: what's wrong baby
He says with worry in his voice.
Y/n: it's my job it basically suck ass there always being hard on me.
I say while running my hair through my nappy hair.
Y/n: I'm gonna go take a shower now bc I'm all sweaty.
Ale: ok baby
I went upstairs to the bathroom and stepped in the shower letting the cold water hit me calming me down.(don't come at me cold stuff calm me down😂)
While I was still relaxing the shower door flew open making me jump a little.
Y/n: wtf ale
I said laughing
Ale: didn't mean to scare you but mind if I join.
Y/n: of course
He hopped in the shower with me hugging me from behind .
Y/n: bubba what are you up too.
Ale: nothing just hugging my fine ass gf.
He than started kissing my neck making me moan but also his tip was rubbing against my folds making me wetter.(on my Vagina ok💀)
Y/n:daddy I need you now
Ale: say less mamas
He faced me against the shower door making my hands press onto it.
He started rubbing his tip in between my folds making me moan.
Y/n: no t-teasing
He pushed his length in me making me moan louder.
Ale: how are you so tight mamas.
He groaned making me wetter.
He picked up his pace which made every stroke hit my g-spot.
Y/n: mmmh f-fuck daddy don't stop. Right there!
Ale:you like when daddy hits your g-spot huh?
I couldn't answer bc of all the pleasure.
Ale: I asked a question mamas fucking answer it
He said pulling my hair making my back arch hitting a whole different.
Y/n: fuckk y-yes daddy.
I screamed .
I clenched my walls .
Ale: f-fuck do that again.
I did it again which made him cum and me.
Our juices mixed together .
Ale: fuck that was the best shower sex I ever had
He said while kissing my forehead.
We cleaned up and went to sleep .

~authors note~

Hey guys thank y'all for the reads!
Just know Ily all so much <3

428 words

𝐬𝗺𝐮𝐭𝐬//𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐣𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐫𝗼 𝐫𝗼𝐬𝐚𝐫𝐢𝗼🌚Where stories live. Discover now