My Mission, A Love Game [2]

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Heeeeyooooo :D ! This chapter continues back to Carter's POV.


That was close. I have to be more careful from now on.

After I threw the gas bomb I ran up onto the roof of the school. Boy, did I thank god for actually paying attention to training class. Now, I need to find Chief, and tell him. I slowly smoothed out my hair, and put my wig back on. I looked down from the roof and noticed that Drew was still standing there. He was standing there dumbfounded, and looked confused.

"I know you're still here somewhere." Drew said.

Crap! I held my breath as he checked out the situation.

I left my Gold badge on the floor; it must've slipped out while I was doing cartwheels. I have to get it back before he notices!  But how?.. An idea suddenly popped up into my mind. I checked through my pockets to look for a needle and some tissue paper I always carried with me. I have to hurry; I poked the needle through the tissue paper, and wrote something on it with my eyeliner. I aimed it onto the tree on the opposite end of my badge, and threw it. The needle shot directly at the tree trunk and Drew immediately turned around. He caught the sight of the needle and walked towards it carefully. It was funny watching him because he looked so paranoid. I mentally laughed. He was examining the needle now, and noticed the tissue paper.

I took this chance to bolt down and grab my badge. I jumped off the roof, and made as little noise as possible. Chief had taught me a technique while jumping, and it came in real handy at the moment. I hurried and bent down to reach for the badge, and put it wherever felt the most convenient to me. I was about to turn around, and check up to see if Drew was near, but before I even had the chance to do that, I felt the tip of a knife on my throat. I froze immediately, and realized that he was now, right behind me.

Think Carter, THINK!

"Don’t move." I heard Drew growl. He no longer sounded humane, he sounded dangerous.

That’s when the idea hit me. He doesn't know I was the one that fount him earlier since I took off my wig.

"Ew, ew, ew, ew!" I squealed. "Get your filthy hands off of me." I started to jump, and eventually, he let go of his grip. I turned around and gave him a bitchy stare. He seemed so lost, and confused.

"If you wanted to rape me, you could've just asked. I would've given it free with extra force." I shrugged like I was used to these situations. Shivers. I think my life has just shortened by a year or two.

"Skank." I heard him mutter to himself, and he went off ahead of me, and went back into the school.

"Phew.. That was close." I sighed.

"What was close?" I heard a voice ask.

I looked up and saw Max staring at me. Now it was my turn to feel paranoid. Drew had told him that "she" had AIDS, and "she" was after him. Could he have known it was me from the start?

"Uh-- Nothing." I replied.

'Listen, I'm sorry I've been acting like a jerk. But someone told me that there was going to be a girl coming after me, and I've been very paranoid since this morning." Max said. His cheeks turned into a light shade of pink.

I never knew guys blushed too. I smiled at his cute reaction. I would've liked him a lot more if he wasn't such a jerk who only dates blonde girls. I shook my head, and my thought shattered. That also means Drew doesn't know I'm the one he's looking for. I'm pretty positive that he's from the Knight clan now.

I was still in my daze, and I noticed that Max was looking at me.

"Oh, uhm, its okay." was all I was able to say. How embarrassing! I've been absent minded while Max was waiting for my response! We walked towards the school entrance in silence, and I thought I was going to die from awkwardness. All of a sudden my cell phone started ringing. My ringtone was Magic by B.o.B ft Rivers Cuomo. Max looked alarmed, and I pulled out my cell phone before entering the school. Max stayed with me.

"Hello?" I spoke. Who would call me at this timing?

"It's Chief. I heard about Knight." He spoke.

Max was right next to me, so I didn't know what to say. I tried to carry on the conversation as normal as I could.

"Yep." I said cheerfully, and then I remembered. Chief had told me and the rest of the rookies that if someone was with you, and you couldn't say anything to use the code word.

"Uhhmm, okay? Why do you sound so happy?" Chief sounded suspicious.

"Magic." I blurted out. It was my favourite song, and a code. Awesome right?

"Oh ok--" Chief ended the call, and I heard the dial tone. I figured that his cell phone died, he never charges it anyways.

I put my cell phone back into my pocket, and opened the main entrance door when Max reached for the door too. Our hands touched, and he quickly jerked his hands away. I guess he's still paranoid after all.

"Sorry.. I'm stil, a bit, yeahh.." He used hand gestures to explain, and ended the sentence weirdly.

"It's okay, I understand" I couldn't help but feel a bit hurt. Having a guy indirectly reject you even though you didn't actually ask him out made me feel a bit depressed.

"No, I di-, No, I didn't mea-, look, I'm sorry." He said with sincere eyes. I took off, and went straight forward to Chief. Why are guys so difficult?

I walked in the classroom from my first period class.


The classroom was dark, and I noticed a figure sitting near the teacher's desk. That must've been Chief.

"Chief?" I walked closer to the figure and soon I was within touching distance with Chief.

"Chief, stop playing around, and answer me." I groaned with frustration. I wasn't in the mood to play games with him right now.

I heard an unfamiliar chuckle. Definitely male, but not Chief..

Oh.. no. I slowly backed away, and used the advantage of the dark to take off my wig, and take off my makeup. Sometimes, I'm glad I was born a girl; I was so used to taking off, and reapplying makeup.

I threw my wig in a desk without this person noticing. I felt him a few centimetres away from me, and I could feel his breath on the back of my neck. He held onto me, and his grip wasn't friendly at all. He had a small knife glued onto my throat, and let’s just say that this situation felt like a déjà-vu.

"Who are you?" The voice asked.

It was still dark, and if I manage to get my pepper spray out of my sleeve, I can escape. I struggled for a bit, and he noticed me shoving and shaking.

"Who are you?!" The voice sounded impatient, and the knife pressed onto my skin. That was going to leave a scar.

'I know you're from Gold." The voice still sounded impatient.

"And I know who you are." I spoke confidently.

He chuckled. "Who?" There was a hint of amusement in his voice.

"Why should I tell you?" I actually didn't know who it was, but I had to weigh my options, and stall some time to get my pepper spray out.

"How immature." He spoke. He turned me around, and it looked like he was trying to get something out of his pants. I heard a click, and realised what he was doing. The flashlight shone onto my face for one millisecond, and I jerked away. I finally got my pepper spray out, and sprayed it into the darkness. I didn't know where his eyes were, but I'm assuming he was taller than me so I sprayed all over the top area. I heard a shriek and knew that I'd hit the bulls eye.

"Sucker." I said before exiting the room.

"This isn't over.. Carter.." The voice said, and I froze.


Thanks for reading ! :D

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