My Mission, A Love Game [5]

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Give it your all, or nothing at all ;;


I closed my eyes waiting for the pain to hit me. A few seconds passed, and I didn't feel anything. I slowly opened my right eyelid to peek. Max was still there holding his knife right at me. The knife was around a millimetre away from my chest, but Max looked lost. He kept shaking his head, and mumbling to himself. He took the knife, and slowly lifted it away from my chest.

"What's going on?" Max looked confused and clueless about his surroundings.

I slapped Max across the face. "You dipset! Don't fuck around." He was still on top of me, and I took this chance to flip him. I got his hands behind his back, and I stepped on his back to add some pain.

Max groaned. 'What the fuck are you doing Casey?" He sounded painful.

"Oh, NOW I'm Casey?" I said using my irritated tone.

I'm not falling for his innocent act again.

"What the hell are you talking about?" He asked sounding uncomfortable.

"Don't lie! You were just trying to kill me a minute ago!" I stepped even harder.

"Ughh." He groaned even louder. "Just get off me first!" He yelled with frustration.

"You wish!" I taunted. I was going to step on him even harder for acting like a jerk, but Drew came rushing in.

He threw the door open and looked at me weirdly. He then shifted his attention to Max, and I could hear him swear under his breath.

"Drew!" Max shouted in joy. Well, at least now I know he's actually gay. I wonder if Drew is gay too..

"What are you doing?" Drew asked me. I realised I was still wearing my blonde wig. I was Casey now.

"Uhh.. I was practicing my cheerleading routine with Max." I gave him a smile, and quickly stopped stepping on Max.

"So that's what I was doing?" Max said dumbfounded.

"Whatever." Drew said, and got Max off the floor. He carried him out the door, and I swear I saw Max blush. So Drew is gay.. And what's the relationship between the two of them?.. Is Max a part of Knight too? I still needed more clues; I'll go ask Chief about this. I was skipping out the door putting on my facade when I realised Chief was adult napped.

Shit! I forgot to ask Max where he is! I looked around the whole school, peering into every classroom I saw, and I still found no Chief. I called his number, and Drew picked up.

"Hello" I could hear Drew say.

I froze, and quickly hung up my phone. Drew has Chief's cell phone?! That means he knows where he is..

The bell suddenly rang, and my lunch period was over. It was time for cheerleading, and Trinh texted me to meet her at the gym.

Hmm, what's more important? Becoming an official spy? Or saving Chief?.. This is a tough decision, but I have to make the right choice.. Chief.. can wait. I'll just go to cheerleading practice.

I texted Trinh back, and told her I was coming. I had this gutsy feeling that told me to not go, but I just had to! Now that I found out Max was gay, it'd be harder for me to get him to date me. So, my only chance is to become a cheerleader now..

I ran to the gym which was all the way on the first floor. It took me 5 minutes to get there since it was afterschool, and everyone was walking around. When I reached the gym, I noticed that Trinh was sitting at a long table with another 2 people. She looked like she was the judge, so I figured that she was the evaluator. She took a look at me, and blew me a kiss. I blew her a kiss back, and winked at her. Gotta keep my impression up.

There were like 50 other people auditioning for the cheerleading squad, and only 6 cheerleaders were needed. We had to line up in order, and I was last because I was the last one to come in. The first 10 were disqualified because Trinh thought they were ugly. The next person was accepted because she was Trinh's friend. The next five were sent right out due to their 'figure'. So it went on and on until it was finally my turn.

"Casey Hollows" Trinh called my name and gave me a wink. She told me to do a simple cartwheel, and I did as she said. I started flipping forwards and backwards until she called stop.

"Pass. That was impressive!" Trinh said, and gave me a smile. She looked impressed so I winked at her.

"Now I will name all the people that passed." Trinh started announcing names. I didn't really pay much attention, and saw a black figure move behind me. I turned around and nobody was there. Just my imagination?..

Drew's POV -

I thought it was weird that Casey was in the room with Max. Chief Brian told me to take care of Max since he changed into his other personality. Max is such a pain! He and his other personality.I let it slide since Casey was just an airheaded blonde. I don't expect much from her. Besides, I bet she couldn't even kill a measly fly! She’d probably squeal or something. I brought Max out of the room, and he thanked me. He was totally clueless about his other side, so unfortunately, I had to come to his rescue every single time. Max thinks I'm doing it on purpose to gain his attention. Shivers.

Ring Ring.

The cell phone I found on Max rang. I picked it up, and no one was on the other line. It was pretty suspicious so I decided to track the cell phone down. The signals were telling me that it came from the gymnasium. I made my way there and noticed a bunch of blondes cheering inside. I didn't want to get near any of those whores, and decided to hide in the bleachers. I nearly fell asleep from such boredom until I heard a familiar name.

"Casey Hollows." One of the head cheerleaders said. Casey.. Let see what this Barbie can do. She's probably going to shake her hip, and show off her ass or something. That's what all sluts do. The head cheerleader said something to her, and Casey nodded. Soon, Casey was doing cartwheels. She looked like an expert, and her cart wheeling seemed oddly familiar. Hmm, where did I see her from?.. I thought for another minute, and it finally hit me..



Thanks for reading ! <3;; Hope you guys liked it (:

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