3; Promotion Ceremony

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3; Promotion Ceremony

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3; Promotion Ceremony

The elaborately planned ceremony had drawn eyes from people of all stations as Fort Charles became crowded with spectators

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The elaborately planned ceremony had drawn eyes from people of all stations as Fort Charles became crowded with spectators. While some common folk were trying to get a look at the proceedings, most of the people in attendance were from prestigious families from the aristocracy. The elite were dressed in their finest clothes as they exchanged greetings and gossip. 

Felicity stood next to Elizabeth as they endured hearing from Mrs. Bennett. A frightful old women who many considered to be the town gossiper. She kept drawling on about how her oldest daughter, Jane, was to be married to James' Flag Lieutenant Gillette. She also shared news that Mrs. Brentsworth was once again engaged to be married.

"Did you know that this is her seventh husband?" She asked. "I never thought such a noble name would belong to such a woman."

"Perhaps this new marriage will be filled with good fortune." Felicity replied with a tight smile. "After all everybody deserves a chance at both happiness and status."

"I doubt that woman has a single ounce of luck on her side." Mrs. Bennett replied with a huff. "But have you found yourself a nice gentlemen? You're almost old enough to be considered a spinster."

Felicity tried not to let the comment get to her as she held her tongue. She knew that she was right of course. The red head had passed the age where most girls are wed along time ago, in fact, most girls her age were having their second or third child. It left Felicity feeling discouraged that she couldn't find a partner, but that was probably because she was pining for someone she could never call hers.

Felicity felt a hand link through her arm and pull her close. She looked over and caught Elizabeth giving her an encouraging smile. She knew she shouldn't take what Mrs. Bennett said to heart, but it was hard when she knew that the rest of society agreed with her.

"I believe that the right man is out there for Miss Smith. He just hasn't come around to looking for her." Elizabeth said defending her companion.

"Well its understandable why no eligible man of great standing have taken an interest in her, especially given her circumstances." The old woman cackled.

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