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A/N : Hey there - I just wanted to say I hope you enjoy this short story! It is crucial to pay attention to the date at the beginning of each chapter, as we time jump between months often. It is also written in second person, which I hope is not too confusing.
Thank you!
- From the author :)


Your eyes dart around the room as many men take their seats around you.

Your hands are long past shaking.
Your stomach has had its last lurch, tears have already dried on your cheeks.

The pleated skirt you haven’t worn in months hangs around your ankles and your comfortable trousers have been confiscated.

The jurors have taken their pledge. You know that none of the men here will defend you. You are but a mere woman.

The judge begins. “Mary Allen,” His gravelly voice has already numbed your ears. Your head slowly rises to face the row of grey suits and the desks they occupy.“...The defendant has been charged with cross-dressing, deceptive behavior and murder…” A collective gasp.

Your head swims as the smug old man reads the list of charges.. Some are things you’ve done. Some aren’t. It doesn’t matter what you haven’t done, you’ll be accused of it all.

No one here cares about why… or how… they all just want a show. And you are the star. 

MASKED ~completed~Where stories live. Discover now