Your dear Mildred looks absolutely lovely today.
She’s lying on the couch next to you, the radio playing in the background. Her soft hair entwined through your fingertips.
If only this moment could last forever. If only you were not Walter Price in this moment, you could be Mary Allen.
The radio is announcing the news now, and you catch a name. “Mary Allen…” You sharply inhale. Your clandestine behaviour must have been found out.
No, your name is a very common one, there could be thousands of Mary Allens. You reach to turn it off but curiosity gets the better of you, and you leave it on. Mildred sits up and leans in to hug you.
Times like these were such treasures, but the guilt you felt for lying to her about who you were was becoming more apparent every day. You couldn’t go on like this. It wasn’t fair on her. But your selfishness was too strong. You needed this.
“Police have investigated and the murder of Constable John Haddock a couple weeks ago has direct ties to Mary Ruth Allen, a 26 year old living in New York.” The cop who tried to arrest you was murdered? By whom? It wasn’t you. There must have been a mistake. It might not even be the same policeman.
You sat there in shock, and the radio continued. “Her fingerprints were found on his clothes and she was last seen on 59th street, wearing male clothing.” Your heart was racing and your breath quickened.
You tried to turn it off but Mildred stopped you. “Hold on, this is interesting,” The radio proceeded to describe you, to your despair. “The murderer Miss Allen has been undercover as a man for quite some time and it was difficult to get details, but she has been living as the young man Walter Price-”
You felt like your heart had stopped. The room was spinning. Mildred…
A/N - ahh! Cliffhanger!

MASKED ~completed~
Historical FictionA historical story about a young woman who is in love with another woman, but has to make sacrifices in order to be with her. A novelette / short story written by yours truly x