Chapter One

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The beautiful sound of the birds singing by your window made a smile spread through your face

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The beautiful sound of the birds singing by your window made a smile spread through your face. You open your e/c eyes and let out a loud yawn which was not very ladylike as your mother says.

Standing up from your cozy bed, you walk to your small old mirror, seeing your h/c hair looked like a nest rat. Shrugging your shoulders, you open your wardrobe and grab an old dark green dress. You took off your nightgown and dress quickly your clothes. When you were ready, you run out of your room to the kitchen which smelled like warm bread and orange juice.

Your mother stood by the fireplace, pouring some vegetables into the hot pot. She was an Omega, she had come to your village after her town had been attacked by a horde of orcs. In her time here, your mother had fallen under the charms of your father, who is an Alpha. He is the chief of your village. You are their only child ...and you are an Omega.

Your father and mother didn't care if you are an Omega or an Alpha or even a Beta, they only want you to be happy which you were.

In the corner of your eye, you notice your father sitting at the table eating his breakfast while working on his wood carving.

"Good morning, Mother and Father!" you said cheerfully, sitting on your chair by the table.

Your father smiled and nodded, sipping some of his orange juice. "Good morning, my child. Did you sleep well?" he asked gently.

You nod and push a large slice of bread into your mouth. "Yes, I did!" you said with your mouth full, spilling crumbs of bread everywhere.

"Y/n! Don't act like an orc! I taught you better than that!" your mother said firmly, putting her hands on her waist. "And could you please comb your hair?! It looks like a nest rat!" she sighs and shook her head while turning back to the pot, a small smile on her face.

"I think she looks cute... Maybe Y/n could begin a new style here in our village." your father said with a chuckle, winking his eye at you.

Your mother rolls her eyes and giggles softly. You finish your breakfast and help your mother cleaning the dishes. After everything clean and put back in place, you run out of the door and into the forest. You heard your mother put some shoes but you ignore it and let the fresh cold morning air hit your face, feeling the wet soil under your bare feet.

Your favorite part of mornings was how the forest wakes up from the long night, seeing the beautiful flower blooming under the sunlight and little deer families walking out from their den.

You stop by your favorite place in the forest which was under a huge tree, her long branches bend down with the weight of the immense amount of leaves and birds nests. You sat down under the cool shade of the tree and rest your back against the tree trunk, smelling the sweet aroma that hovered the air.

You close your eyes and let out a deep breath, listening to the wake of the forest. This was your mornings, sitting by a tree and hearing the beautiful song of the forest waking up from her slumber. You would stay there almost all day, picking up berries and playing with the animals or swimming in the river that was near your safe place.

Your mother would always freak out when you arrive home all wet and muddy, your h/c hair full of sticks and leaves. Sometimes with some bird poop on it.

As you let your body melt into the tree behind you, a huge grin in your lips. You hear the sound of light footsteps walking near your safe place but what made your eyes shot open was the dangerous smell of two alphas.

You stood up slowly, trying to not make a sound for not to grab the attention of the two alphas. Peeking from behind the huge tree, you saw two redheads in the distance. Their hair was long and pure red, almost looked like two flames. You notice that they were wearing a very strange armor, with delicate bows behind their backs.

"Who are they?" you whisper in curiosity since no one walks in the forest except you.

One of them turn their head towards you, almost like that, he had heard you. You gasp as you saw their pointy ears.

Elves! You thought, seeing them looking around the forest. Taking a deep breath, you begin following them, curious to see where are they going.

They walk gracefully, never making any sound with their feet. A while you tried everything to not make any sound, trying to be sneaky but failed drastically as your foot broke a large stick, making a loud sound.

The two re-hair elves turn around and look directing at you, their beautiful grey eyes fixed on you. A gasp fell from your lips at the beautiful sight of their faces. Their sharp features glowed under the warm sunlight and their grey eyes remind you of the skies on a stormy day.

One of them took a step forward and a wave of strong scent hit you like a wagon. The scent was rich and spicy, with a light smell of jasmine mixed. It was a scent that you had never smelled before...but you love it. It was almost like a drug, wanting to bury your nose on his neck and sniff all his rich scent.

You felt your body begin to warm up, feeling your skin hot at the touch. Between your legs have become wet and aching with need. What's happening?! You thought dizzily, your eyes fixed on the two elves.

Taking a deep breath, you turn around and make a quick run towards your house. Fear now spreading through your body as you thought of the stupidity that you made. Following two alphas?! Serious, Y/n? What were you thinking?!

"Wait!" You heard their voices in the distance but you didn't stop instead you run faster, disappearing between the thick trees.

When you enter your home, you lock the door and took a deep breath. Your mother comes to the living room with a frown in her delicate face.

"Y/n? What happened?" she asked worriedly.

You only nod your head and run to your room. "I'm okay, mother...everything is okay," you whisper.

In your room, you jump to your bed and wrap your soft blankets around your body. You still could smell his scent in the air, smelling the rich smoky smell with a hit of jasmine.

"What was that?" you whisper to yourself, confused by the strange attraction by the strangers.

A tired sigh fell from your lips, you cuddle into your soft bed and close your eyes, napping a little to try to forget the two strangers but little did you know that the two red-hair elves had followed you to your home.

Hey Guys!!! So what do you think about the first chapter of my first a/b/o series? I hope you like it and feel free to comment and tell me what you think!


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