Chapter Four

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"Y/n?...Wake up." Amras's gentle voice woke you up. You open your eyes and notice that you had stopped, Amrod making a fire where he had built two tents.

When you three left the town, the gentle trot of Amras's stallion lull you to sleep. You must have slept for hours since the sky was dark, with the silver moon shining bright in the sky.

Amras help you climb down from his horse and lead you to the warm fireplace, letting you sit beside it. Amrod pulled his twin brother to the side and they begin discussing something in elvish which you think that was about you since Amrod was shooting glares at you.

Shrugging, you rub your hands together and look up to the sky, seeing little stars glowing in the darkness. They brought you a small comfort, you thought that your parents where now one of them. Always watching over you, lighting up your path with their light. Your mother used to tell tales from the stars, explaining to you that the Goddess of Stars made them too bright the path of all the beings in Middle-Earth. So, whenever you were lost, the stars lead you to safety.

Your thoughts were interrupted by Amras sitting beside you. He gave you a soft smile and puts a piece of his auburn hair behind his pointy ear.

"The sky is beautiful tonight," he said while looking up.

You nod and start playing with your fingers. You could feel your cheeks burn with your blush at closeness that Amras was, feeling his heat against your s/c skin and smelling his rich gentle scent. You pitch your thighs together when you felt your nectar dripping from your slit, your heart beating like crazy. Why are you like this?! Never in your short life have you felt this way in the presence of other alphas! It was weird. Your body was almost yelling for just a light touch from them. Your inner omega trying to claw his way out of you but you shut him down.

You notice in the corner of your eye Amrod staring at you. His grey eyes filled with confusion and possession...and lust? Maybe, since he wasn't mated. You took a sniff in air and his spicy scent filled your nostrils, making you dizzy from the delicious smell.

You are confused between the brothers. Amras was kind and gentle, always asking if you were okay or if you need something. This behaver was something really rare in an alpha which made your heart beat in excitement. While Amrod was the typical alpha, always showing his strength and never put his guard down, not showing any emotion. He was what all the omegas wanted in a partner. Strong and handsome, perfect to protect you from any threat.

Taking a deep breath which was a bad idea since Amras and Amrod's scent hit you like a wagon and made your knees weak. You stood up and look down at Amras.

"Is there a river or lake nearby? I need to refresh," you asked quietly, looking down at your hands.

Amras nods and then points to his right. "Yes! Follow the small path and it will lead you to a lake bank," he said gently. "If you need anything, yell for us and we will come."

You thanked him and follow the path that he told you, walking into the dense trees. When you arrived, a huge grin appears on your face. It was beautiful and calm by the lake, almost remind you of your beloved forest.

Taking your boots off and the rest of your clothes, you ran into the calm lake. The cold water made you gasp in surprise but it felt good against your feverish skin. Sighing in pleasure, you begin swimming slowly. The silver light of the moon reflected in the calm water, making it look like you were bathing in silver water. You throw your head back and let your body float.

"...So peaceful..." you whisper, closing your eyes.

The serene place made your mind melt a little, making all the awful events from the last days disappear. After some time floating slowly in the cold water, you swim back to the shore but when you walk towards the place you had put your clothes, you saw three large alphas around them, looking at your naked body with lustful eyes and wicked grins.

"Well, well, well...What do we have here?" the biggest of the three said while walking around you, looking up and down to you. "A little omega lost?" his rough voice made you shiver in fear and disgust.

His friends join him and begin sniffing the air around you. You wrap your arms around your chest to hide your breasts and pitch your thighs close. "P..Please...leave me alone..." you stutter, trying to walk away from them but your back hit a hard chest. Looking back, you see the first alpha behind you, smirking down at you.

"Why would we leave such perfect omega alone?" his voice dark and deep. He leans down and sniffs your neck, groaning in pleasure. "Gods! You smell so sweet!" he growls against your ear, biting your earlobe. You whimper and try to shove him away but the other two alphas grab your arms tightly and pull you to them, lying you on the cold ground.

You begin trashing, trying to set your arms free from their tight grip. "Please! Stop!" you plead but that only made them laugh and mock at you.

The big alpha grabs your face, forcing you to look to his dark eyes filled with lust. "Shut your pretty mouth, Omega! Or else I will shut you with my cock!" he snarls while leaning down to your neck again, licking your scent gland which forced a whimper from you. His rough hands grab your thighs and pull them apart, making your core bare to his eyes. "Such a pretty pussy you have, Omega...Perfect to be filled with my cock." he groans.

Tears were running down your cheeks while you try to push those horrible alphas away from you, your pleads fell on deaf ears which made you more frustrated and scared but what made you even more scared was that your body had betrayed you. The heavy scent of alphas in their rut had awakened your heat which made them even more wild and aggressive. You could feel your juices running down your thighs and awful cramps start, making you plead to them to stop your pain... To knot you.

"Just by smelling you, I could cum-" suddenly the massive alpha fell back on the ground with a delicate arrow between his eyes.

"What the fuck!?" the other two snarls, letting go of your arms. They turn their heads to the side, trying to see where the arrow had come from but they weren't fast enough because more two arrows flew to them, piercing their heads.

You stay still, your eyes wide as you look to the three corpses in front of you. The bushes shake and Amrod and Amras come out from it. Their faces were blank but their eyes told you everything. Filled with rage and disgust, glaring down the three dead alphas.

"Humans are really abominable creatures," Amrod said while putting his bow on his back.

A whimper fell from your lips as a strong cramp hit you, grabbing the attention of the two elves. You notice them become tense, Amrod clenching his jaw so hard that you thought that it would break. Amras was taking deep breaths, trying to calm himself.

You moan when you took a deep breath of their delicious spicy scent, wanting to bury your face on their necks. Then, you made something that never in your life you thought that you were doing and you were to blind by your heat to argue with yourself.

Getting on your hands and knees, you lower your chest, so your breasts were flattened against the ground, and push your ass into the air, shaking it to them. Presenting to your alphas.

"Please...Please, knot me!" you mewl.

Hey Guys!! Here's a new chapter of Bonded! I hope you like it and feel free to comment and tell me what you think!


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