Chapter Nine

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Some Years Later...

A small smile forms on your lips as you hear the joyful giggles coming from outside of the house. You fold a soft blanket and put it on the heavy chair beside the fireplace. Walking towards the front door, you open it and your smile becomes bigger as you see your beloved alphas chasing your two beautiful daughters. Eletha and Thalia, two beautiful twins.

It's been long since you three have arrived at Halleth's tribe. She welcomed you and your alphas with open arms, saying that a raven had come from west with the news that two alphas and an omega seek a home in her tribe. Amrod and Amras realized that Maglor had sent the raven, just in case if anything went wrong.

Halleth gave you three a wooden cabin at the end of the village, at the entrance of the woods. It was small but you knew that it's perfect for you and your beloved alphas.

Not long enough, you receive the news from the village doctor that you were pregnant. Amrod and Amras were so happy, they didn't even care who was the father. Saying that both of them will love the baby like nothing else in the world.

During the pregnancy, Amrod and Amras were almost impossible. Always hovering over you like a shadow, just to make sure you were alright and nothing would hurt. If some villagers would come to visit you, they would both growl to them which made you hit them on the head one time.

As your belly grew, they overprotective would as well. Not wanting you to leave the house or do some tasks in the house. They both knew that you weren't made of paper but they couldn't help the fear of something happen to you overpowered them since you were only a mere mortal.

When the birth day comes, they were a mess. Yelling at each other and panicking. They were like this until Halleth came and throw them out of the house, saying that they need to men up if they wanted to be with you during the birth which they did.

"Don't worry, My lords. Y/n is stronger than you think. She will pop that child in a minute!" she said while giving them a soft smile.

As you gave the last push, you hear a small baby cry fill the room. The midwife cleaned your child and wrapped in a soft cloth, put in your arms.

"Congratulations, my Lady! It's a healthy girl," she said.

Tears fell from your eyes as you look down to your beautiful baby girl, seeing the thin red hairs coming out of her soft baby hair. Her ears were pointy and her features were almost cat-like. She looked completely like an elf except for her nose and eyes which were like yours.

And then, a surprising gasp fell from your lips as you felt another cramp spread through your body. The midwife and the nurses come running back and gasp also in surprise.

"My Lady! You need to push!" She said while grabbing another blanket.

"What's happening!?" You asked as you push, screaming in pain.

And again for the second time, you hear another small cry. The midwife cleaned the baby and put it on your other arm, smiling softly to you.

"Another healthy girl, My Lady."

Tears were running down like a waterfall from your eyes, seeing you beautiful baby girls in your arms. Like her older sister, she had red hair and pointy ears.

The door opens and your alphas enter the room. Their sharp eyes fixed on your daughters. Amrod sat on the bed on your left while Amras sat on your right.

"Of course it would be twins,"Amras whisper in awe, stroking gently your daughter's cheek.

Amrod tilted your face up with his fingers and kisses you passionately, pouring all his love and happiness into the kiss. "I love you so much, my omega... You made us the luckiest alpha in all middle earth," he whispers as he rests his forehead against yours.

"What should we name them?" Amras asked, still with his eyes fixed on his daughters.

You look down at your daughters and smile gently. "I don't know why but I always like the names Eletha and Thalia."

Amrod and Amras look to each other and then to their daughters. "Eletha and Thalia... Two beautiful names for two beautiful girls."Amras said with a proud smile.

"I agreed,"Amrod said while poking Eletha soft cheek.

You smile and rest back into the soft bed, letting your alphas cuddle your beautiful daughters.

Your thoughts were interrupted by the voice of your daughter, Thalia, calling for you.

"Nana!!! Come play with us!" She squealed as Amrod pick her up and throw her into the air, making her a giggling mess. You notice that she had almost the same joyful personality as Amras, always happy, and ready for adventure. While her sister, Eletha is the complete opposite. She has Amrod's calm personality, preferring to read and have long walks in the woods.

"Yes, Nana! Help me pick me flowers."Eletha said as she and Amras picked some flowers from the garden.

You sigh happily and smile, walking towards your beloved family. Never in your dreams, you thought that one day you would have two strong loving alphas to protect you and two beautiful daughters.

"I'm coming!"

Hey Guys!! Here's the final chapter of Bonded! I hope you like it and feel free to comment and tell me what you think! 


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