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Sitting over the opposite side of my study is a man wearing purple. A purple shirt, a blazer and purple head gear. He trails my movements with his narrow slit eyes, as I approach the desk.

"Take a seat, Ladybug." The coldness of his voice sends a shiver from the top of my head to the tips of my toes. As I approach the chair opposite him I feel a swirl begin in my stomach. To receive a personal visit from President Hawkmoth is not usually seen as a good sign. The atmosphere in the room was as dark as the day was becoming, I'm fear taking my eyes from him in case he strikes like the snake that he is.

"So, how's your little ... romance?" He says romance like poison sinking slowly into my skin.

"What is happening between Adrien and I is none of your business!" I stand my ground firmly, my life has nothing to do with him.

"Now, now, little bug. I think we should make a deal before we continue. I haven't got the time to play games with you."

"What deal we that be, President Hawkmoth?" I put as much venom in my voice as possible.

"I suggest we promise not to lie to each other. Things will become ..." he picks up a pen off the table and inspects it before slamming it down, "messy if we do. So, I'll ask you again. What is happening between you and the cat?"

I keep my eyes directed towards Hawkmoth. I cannot let him see the fear coursing through every inch of my body.

"We're taking in slow."

"Well after your ... performance ... in the arena I had nothing to do but let you play out your little 'lucky charm' scenario. You were both good I have to admit. Playing to the strength of both your kwami's, two halves of a whole. You convinced the Capitol, unfortunately not all the districts fell for it. People viewed your lucky trick with the berries as an act of defiance, not as an act of love. And if a girl from District 12 can defy the Capitol, what's to prevent anyone else? An uprising leading to a revolution, collapsing the system."

"If a few berries can bring it down, it must be fragile." I speak softly.

He stands up and walks to the window.

"Just imagine thousands of your people dead. Your town becomes just ash. This is all just a game. Would you want a real war?"

"No." I respond.

"I didn't think so, neither do I." He turns back to me with a smile on his face, it sent a shiver down my spines. He picks up a cookie from the plate on my desk. "These are good. Did your mother make them?"


"He's a lovely boy." His smile drops as does my heart.

"Why don't you just get rid of me and kill me now?" We begin a staring match and I'm determined not to lose.

"Killing you is not my prerogative. I want us to be friends, and if not friends then allies."

"What do you want me to do?" I finally blink but don't look away.

"On the tour you need to smile and be grateful. You and Adrien must show that you would end it all you're that madly in love. Can you do that?"

"Yes, we can convince them."

"No, not them Ms. Dupain-Cheng. Convince me. For the sake of your loved ones."

He stands up to leave before turning back to me.

"How's your friend by the way? Does Adrien know about your secret rendezvous'?" He positions a smirk on his face and I can tell behind the mask he has pulled one eyebrow up. The look in his eyes seem slightly familiar, I just can't place it.

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