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I step out the elevator and straight away an akuma diverts me to where our horse and carriage is waiting. Of course, its quite easy to find considering we're the last district. I eye up the beautiful black stallions pulling our carriage and stroke them delicately on the nose.

"Aren't you a beautiful boy?"

"Yes I am." A sly sounding voice spoke up behind me and I quickly turned around. I was met with an uncanny view. A face almost exactly identical to Adrien's. He had blonde hair and green eyes, but his height and build was nowhere near that of Adrien.

"And you are?" I furry my eyebrows.

"Felix Graham de Vanily. I am enchanted to meet such a beauty like yourself. It's a shame you got stuck with that 'cat' of a boy. What you need is a real man," he placed one hand on my hip and aggressively yanks me into his body. I arched my back to try and keep distance between my face and his. Next thing I know his other hand is positioned on the back of my head pulling me towards his face. I feel his breath on my neck before he starts to speak.

"You know, a lot of people have been comparing me to Adrien, saying how similar we look. One main difference is I'm older and more experienced." He begins to lean down towards my ear.

"Hey dudette," whoever was coming over to interrupt Felix and myself was my saviour. Felix let go of me and looked at the newcomer in disgust.

"Excuse me, shell man! It's my time with the lady now, I'm sure you can have her as my seconds if you want. That's what you did last time." Félix cackled but was soon interrupted by Adrien.

"I'd watch what you're saying or you won't make it into the arena, Monsieur Graham de Vanily." Adrien stood next to the male who'd came over. The two guys standing next to each other were incredibly intimidating; tall, muscular and broody.

"It's a shame you got reaped when their are so many good choices from your District." The other guy said.

"Watch it Lahiffe, we still have business to discuss." Félix walked away and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. Adrien wrapped his arms around me and places a kiss on the top of my head.

"I'm so sorry, Mari. I should have come down here with you. Thank you for coming over, man. I'd dread to think if you hadn't have." Adrien withdrawals one hand from me so he can shake Nino's.

"I know what it's like with him." He points over his shoulder as Lila and Felix are now talking near their transportation. "Every year he hits on a different contender. I'm surprised he didn't come after you last year in all fairness. I'm Nino, by the way. It's great to finally meet the star-crossed lovers, my girlfriend is a huge fan."

"Thank you, I think." I say. Then it hits me. He has a girlfriend, yet here he is again. A surviving victor having to be slung back into the hell of the Miraculous Games.

"Listen, we'll catch more in training tomorrow. Is great to meet you, dude and dudette."

"You too Nino, and thanks again." I say just as the floor begins to get busy and everyone's rushed to their carriages. Adrien jumps up then offers me a hand. I take it and heave myself up.

"Thank you, my Prince."

"Anything for you, Princess."

Nathalie appears just as I start to lean in for a kiss with Adrien, and I let out a low growl. I can hear Adrien stifling a laugh next to me.

"No smiling or waving this time," she explains to us. "We want the crowd to know your above them and couldn't care less you've been pushed here again."

"Ok." We both respond. Audrey then gives Adrien a button.

"When the times right press the button." She says.

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