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Again, myself and Adrien had been separated for the day. We'd managed to sneak out our room early and take some breakfast up to the roof Terrence before making it back down to the penthouse only for Nathalie to march us back to our individual rooms.

If we said Nadja was unhappy with our arrangement of sleeping in the same room, Nathalie would be said to be mortified. Apparently if I keep giving my milk up for free the farmer won't want to buy the cow? I have no idea what she was talking about. Firstly, I'm not quite sure what she thinks we get up to and secondly ... I'm quite sure she called me a cow.

Fu went with Adrien to his room.

"For now mademoiselle." Adrien kissed the back of my hand and made his way out the room, but not before turning and giving me a quick wink. I giggled like a child playing with a new toy. I continued to watch where he had just left when Nathalie coughed drawing me back to look at her.

"You should get some medicine for that cough." I begin to walk towards my room, "we wouldn't want you to die before your time, would we now? After all ... you're still so young." I sigh and walk into my room.

"Ms. Dupain-Cheng. How dare you! I am sick and tired of your behaviour."

"Yeah, well I'm sick and tired of people trying to kill me. I'm meant to be safe! I won the games!"

"And I feel awful that happened to you. But I am here to try and help you, you just need to let me! You have one day until you are in that arena, please let me help!"

I walk over to the edge on the bed and sit down. I rub my hands over my face.

"I'm fed up."

"Pardon?" I didn't realise I was talking out loud.

"I'm fed up ... I'm fed up of fighting! I'm fed up of being something I'm not. I'm just fed up."

"Listen Marinette, I know we haven't seen eye to eye and I apologise for my part in this. I thought everything was a lie between you and Adrien. That is what President Hawk Moth led me to believe when he hired me."

"Of course he did."

"But I can see now just how wrong I was." I look up at Nathalie and she sits down beside me.

"I spoke to Adrien yesterday and he described to me how he wanted to propose to you-" I look at the women sitting next to me and I'm beginning to see she is only a chess piece in this game too, "- it would have been beautiful." She put her hand out to touch mine before pulling back. I can see she is trying to make amends so I take my hand and place it on top of hers.

Her skin is soft and smooth, you can tell she's never done a manual days work in her life.

"I'm going to try and get you both out Marinette. I promise! You and Adrien deserve to have a long life together, you've been through so much. I'm so sorry."

I go against my judgements and pull Nathalie into a hug. She said sorry so as far as I'm concerned we can now move on.

"Right. It's time to start getting you ready for the interviews. I believe your prep team have already ran your bath for you, and President Hawk Moth has requested you wear your wedding dress this evening."

My stomach drops. What is wrong with this man? I nod slowly at Nathalie and she can see how my expression has changed. I wonder if Adrien is being asked to wear his wedding tuxedo too. We'd discussed a couple of times about what we'd wear but nothing was ever confirmed. One things for sure though, I'm positive Audrey will have created something special.

I settle into the bath and feel the strawberry scented bubbles overtake my body. I remind myself to stay awake this time after the nightmare I experienced in front of my prep team during the preparation for the opening ceremony.

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