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The evening before the one-to-one was eventful. Nathalie and Fu had left myself and Adrien to have the evening together. After our unromantic evening meal; thanks to the watchful glares of akuma's, we made our way up to level thirteen. Adrien had brought a couple of things with him; an apple, a pear and an orange to be exact.

The evening sky was pitch black with a flutter of stars across the sky. The evening air was warm and a slight breeze that would bring goosebumps up on my skin. Adrien had told me to wear a cardigan as he knew I would most likely get cold. He'd been right. I was perfectly toasty in my additional layers and looking forward to the evening ahead. I don't know why but every time I'm alone with Adrien I feel my heart swell and race faster as it beats rhythmically within my chest.

"Watch this!" He walks me over to the edge of the tower and drops the apple. Within a matter of seconds it shoots back up and Adrien catches it in his hand.

"Woah! Is that a forcefield?" I look over the edge of the building and see the faint shimmer of the electro-current. I look around the balcony and see the lights flicker ever so often. The electromagnetic pull. "It is." I cry.

Adrien laughs and then drops the orange. It flies back up and I catch it in one hand.

"Kim told me it's to stop tributes from jumping off the building before the games." We look at each other and know straight away we're going to race the orange and apple. "One ... two ... three."

We drop the fruits; they pick up speed before hitting the forcefield and flying back up. Adrien reaches for the apple and catches it before the Orange has completed half of its journey.

"I win." He shouts in sudden excitement. "Now you've got to kiss me as a punishment."

"Sigh, I suppose if it's a punishment I must." I wrap my arms around his neck and gently place my lips against his. This will never get old. "So, Mr Agreste. Why did you bring a pear?"

"Because I know you like them." He sat down on one knee bowing his head and offering me the pear.

"Why thank you kind sir." We laugh as I take the pear in one hand and his hand in my other. We walk over to our area underneath the wind chimes. The slight breeze is causing a melody to fill the air from each set of wind chimes. They fight and synchronise to create a melody not so different to the tributes and the games.

"So what do you think about Kim? I spent sometime with Alix today and I really like her."

"Kim's a great guy and strong. He'd be worth having on our side." I nod my head in agreement. We sit eating our fruit in the moonlight. Adrien splits the orange in two and shares the pieces out equally. I relax next to him and place my head on his shoulder.

"Stay with me tonight." He whispers as he plays with my free hand.

"Always." I whisper back. He stands up and stretches his hand out for my other hand before pulling me off the floor. My hands get lost in his as I stand up. We head back to Adrien's room in silence. As soon as the door clicks shut we show exactly how much love we have for each other.


For the second time in my life I'm sitting in the waiting area for my one to one examination. This year we're not being ranked, just being given time to show the kwami's what we're made of so they can choose their holder. I'm sitting next to Adrien with my hand in his. I feel myself tense and he picks it up placing a gentle kiss to the back of it. I turn my head and smile at him.

I can see Lila glaring along with sneaky peeks from Kagami. I rest my head on Adrien's shoulder and close my eyes. I feel him stroke over my fingers.

Catching Wire [The Miraculous Games Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now