Chapter 9: The Call From The Future

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Past- 1994

"Ok Miss. Aquarius," Madame Pomfrey started. "You're head should be fine for now, but I would like if you could stay the night because I don't want you doing much. If you do any sort of physical or mental activities your head could get all dizzy again. So I'd advise you sleep, but you can talk to your friends for now. Now I'll be going. Rest well." Then she left.

"Ok Aqua," Zoey started. Aquarius turned her head towards her and gave her a questioning look. "What exactly happened? You said you heard a noise and that's what threw you off your concentration and landed you here?"

"Wait you heard a noise?" Harry asked. "Kind of noise was it?"

"It was a ding," Aquarius stated simply. "Papa was trying to give me a single of that he wants to talk."

Zoey was a little shocked at this, but nodded her head saying she understands.

"Wait. How do you know that Potter's future self wants to talk to you?" Draco said keeping his Malfoy mask in place, but kept the curiosity in his eyes.

"Well you see I have this bracelet watch thing," she holds up the yellow and silver watch looking thing up, so they know what she's talking about, "that let's me communicate with my family if needed. It also does other stuff, but that's not really important at the moment. Plus I bet you Aunt 'Mione would love to know all the other stuff this watch can do, so I'm gonna save that for another time." Harry and Draco nodded their heads in agreement. Knowing Hermione she'll want to know the other stuff the watch does.

"So are you going to answer him?" Zoey questioned.

"I think it might be best," answered Aquarius. "I don't really want to, but it's probably for the best." Zoey nodded her head in agreement. "Here goes nothing."


Present- 2022

"Harry stop your pacing please. You're making me dizzy," Draco told his husband.

"I'm sorry Dray, but I'm very nervous about the girls," Harry responded in his messy looking state. Harry tried to get in contact with Aquarius to check up on her and Zoey, but when he pressed the button to let his daughter know he wanted to talk she didn't answer. Aquarius always answers her watch for him.

"I'm sure they're ok Harry. Aquarius probably is busy having fun with her best friend," Draco reassured.

"Did she answer yet Harry?" Ron asked walking into the room looking like a mess Just like Harry.

"No and I'm starting to get really worried Ron," Harry throwing his hands up in the air in destress. "Draco here is saying that they're probably having too much fun to notice that I tried to call them!" He sent a glare towards his husband who just threw his hands up in surrender.

"Malfoy's really!?" Ron yelled. He goes towards last name bases when he's really upset, in this case he is, especially at Draco.

"Well I'm sorry Weas—" Draco got cut off by a ring of a bell sound, which then he gave the I-told-you-so-that-they-are-fine look at the two worried Gryffindors that are right in front of him.


Past- 1994

A hologram type of screen came from Aquarius' watch to reveal a messed up looking, older Harry and Ron. To say the least Aquarius was surprise that her Dad, Draco, wasn't there, but in his defense her Uncle Ron was there to check up on Zoey to see if she's ok, so it made sense.

Harry was in shock to say the least. His older self looked really messed up, looked like he was crying before, but he could probably understand since his daughter is in the past with his younger self.

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