Chapter 24: Being With The Gryffindors

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Present- 2022

The Golden Trio were all sitting by the lake in Harry's backyard of his and Draco's house, and were just thinking. No talking, just thinking.

Harry was thinking of his kids in the past. Aquarius, Orion, and Siren. They were always fixed together and never separated. Even though all three of them are in different houses, Aquarius in Hufflepuff, Orion in Slytherin, and Siren in Ravenclaw, they always did things together, whenever they can.

Ron was thinking of his oldest, his only daughter, the one that he is always overprotective of. He misses her so much and he wishes that she was here, so he can wrap her in his arms and never let her go.

Hermione was thinking of her twins, Sean and Shelby. They were her light and joy. She would do anything to protect them because they went through so much as kids and they are her only kids. Sure they're basically adults now, but that doesn't stop her from loving them and protecting them.

All three of the Gryffindors let out longing sighs. They looked at each other and let out quit chuckles.

"I'm guessing we were probably all thinking of the same things?" Harry asked.

"The kids?" Hermione said. Harry nodded. "Then yeah."


"Yeah I'm thinking of them, especially Zoey. She's my only daughter and I wish that she never went to the past," Ron explained. "Sure, she's grown up, but I still want to think of her as my little girl and never let her out of my sight."

"I get that Ron," Hermione sighed, putting her head in her hands. "Sean and Shelby are my only kids and they're also in the past. I know they graduated Hogwarts, and are basically adults now, but I don't like to think of it like that. I like to think that they are still the innocent little kids that Pansy and I adopted."

"I know where you're coming from 'Mione," Harry looking up towards the sky. "The triplets, mainly Aquarius, they were the ones that I protected the most. Sure, I protected all my kids, but when they had that time traveling mishap when they were around two years old, I just got scared. I never wanted them to leave the nest, well the house technically, but you get what I mean."

"I remember that incident," Hermione said sadly. It was a terrible day and no body likes to think about it. They still haven't told the triplets about it. The adults decided to keep it a secret and not tell any of the kids, but they knew they'd probably won't be able to keep it forever.

"Isn't the time they're in when it happened?" Ron asked. He was a little scared that something will happen to the kids now.

Harry paled. "Yes, but that was during the Yule Ball and they're passed that, so they should be fine. Plus, nobody should recognize them."

"Yeah, but it's still worrisome," Ron said.

"Yeah it is..." Harry whispered.


Past- 1995

"Ok kiddos," Harry started.

"Don't say that," Shelby said before Harry could continue. "I'm older than you and I'd rather you not call me kiddo."

"Right. Sorry. Didn't mean to say that," Harry rambled.

"Right," Shelby said, squinting her eyes at the raven haired boy.

"Harry?" Hermione said. Harry looked over at her with one raised eyebrow. "You want me to handle this?"

Harry thought for a moment, and then finally said, "that would be great. Thanks."

That's when Hermione started to take charge. "Ok boys, and girl," she nodded her head towards Shelby. "It's the start of the second semester and you all are Gryffindors." Everyone nodded their heads to let Hermione know that they were following along. "You guys are then going to be set up to be fourth years, so you can stick with us." Sean groaned at the idea. "Would you like to enlighten us for why you decided to groan in frustration Sean?" Hermione raising her eyebrow.

"Fourth year was such a boring year!" Sean complained. "Why do I have to go through another fourth year?"

"Because we are in our fourth year and you decided to come?" Hermione sneered at her complaining son. "You know you didn't have to come right? You're probably just as bad as Ronald over here," she pointed towards Ron.

"Hey!" Ron yelled. In his defense, actually there is no defense for him because he's Ron. Ron is the one who never wants to do shit, well school work to be exact. He'll do anything, but that.

"Now back to business," Hermione snapped, getting her group's attention. "We ate breakfast and now we're here in Defense Against the Dark Arts with, kind of funny when you think about it, Slytherin. So, that means we're going to be having class with Aquarius, Orion, and Zoey as well. You can sit with them if you want, but don't guarantee it because things are VERY different here than what you're probably used to. We don't want you guys to get targeted because we don't want you guys getting hurt. Got it?" Everyone nodded in agreement, even though the kids from the future didn't like that idea of being targeted because they decided to sit with their family. "Then let's go inside."

"Is it actually this bad? During this time I mean?" Siren asked Harry.

"You can say that I guess," Harry answered the boy, who is supposed to be a Ravenclaw. "It's not as bad as you may look at it, but people are very judgmental. Gryffindors are not fond of Slytherins."

"Other houses are not too fond of them either," Siren added to his Papa's statement. "It's gotten better over the years, but people are still against the Slytherin house. They think that whoever gets put in that house is evil, but only the very thickheaded people think this, otherwise people find that Slytherins are just as great and are just as bad as they are. Can't judge a book by it's cover," he smiled.

"Thought I'd never hear anyone say that," Harry whispered softly.

"Perks of being a Malfoy-Potter. You live, learn, and just know. People judge me a lot because I'm gay, short as heck, and my Dad is a—never mind," Siren looked down thinking that he said too much.

"What's Malfoy?" Harry was now curious.

"I can't say, but it's not his fault. It's Grandpa's fault in a way, but he was a coward in so many ways."

"Lucius Malfoy?"

"Yup. He wasn't the greatest,from what I've heard, but him in the future, he's all sharp objects on the outside and a soft cuddly bear on the inside, well, towards me and my siblings at least."

"That's good to know that he still cares about his family."

"I wouldn't say that now." Harry was confused. "He did, but at the same time he didn't. I can't say much, but let's just say it wasn't good at first. My Dad loves his parents, and his parents loved him, but they don't show that emotion that you would want from your parents. That's why it's a bit hard at the moment. They love each other, don't get me wrong, but Dad told me that it wasn't really shown." Harry nodded in understanding, but still had that hint of curiosity.

What does Siren mean by that. Harry thought as he walked into the classroom, where he will be taught by Professor Mad Eye Moody.

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