Chapter 50: We'll Miss You

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Past- 1998

The war was finally over. Voldemort was dead and Harry was victorious. The Wizarding World was victorious. Sure, it's not fully over since death eaters still need to be captured, but otherwise everything is good. People died though. Was it fully worth it? Harry has hope. Very little, but it's still there.

"Harry!" It was Hermione and Ron. They were running over to him with desperate looks. Once they got to him they engulfed him in a big hug.

"Thank Merlin you're ok Harry," Hermione said in a choked up voice.

"We thought we lost you mate," Ron said in an almost equal voice to Hermione.

"You can never lose me," Harry reassured them. "No way in hell will you be able to lose me," he whispered that time for reassurance to himself. He has hope that he won't lose Hermione and Ron. They are his best friends till the very end and he's not giving them up. Not now. Not after they all lost so much.

They broke the hug and walked towards the bridge that connected to Hogwarts the the land beyond. They just stood there in silence for now. There was no need to talk at the moment. Especially when there was no words that could describe what they were feeling. They all felt the same way at the moment. They hope for a calmer future. Little do they know what's in store for them.


Past- 1995

"Cedric Diggory was a son, friend to many," Dumbledore had spoken. It was Cedric Diggory's funeral. Everyone was there. Every student and teacher from all the schools. It was a sad day for everyone and it just didn't feel right without Cedric.

Aquarius now knew the feeling as well. She never really met the Hufflepuff, but she actually got to and now he was dead. He was so kind to all and she doesn't know that to do. What to feel really. It was quite, minus the voice of the headmaster that was talking about how amazing Cedric was and what he meant to most people in the room.

"We have to go," Harry told the kids once the funeral for the dead Hufflepuff was over.

"Can we say good bye?" Aquarius whispered.

Harry nodded. "I'll be at the main entrance waiting for you guys once you are done."

"I'll come with you Harry," Charity told him.

"Same here," Cameron nodded towards him.

The three left the room and let the rest of the kids say good bye to their younger parents and aunts and uncles.

Aquarius led the way towards where Harry and Hermione and Ron were. "Can we talk with you guys?" She asked.

"Of course," Hermione answered for the three of them. They followed them to where Draco, Pansy, and Blaise.

"You need anything?" Draco asked.

"We just wanted to say good bye," Aquarius told them. "We have to go back now and you won't remember us."

"You have to leave?" Harry asked.

"Sadly yes," the Hufflepuff girl told them. "Any reconciliation of us won't exist anymore. Once we leave everything that has happened with us here will erase and you will go on with your lives as normal."

"I'll, we'll, miss you guys," Harry told his future daughter.

They smiled. "We know."

They all went into a group hug. Some tears were shed, but they had some sort of excuse for that.

"I'm usually not one for hugs," Draco drawled.

The group chuckled quietly. "Good job ruining the mood Malfoy," Ron said.

"You're welcome Weasley," the blonde Slytherin shot back.

"This is really not the best of times to laugh you know," Pansy told them. "Someone just died."

"Yeah, well, we can't cry forever," Hermione told her.

"No matter how much we want to," Lilian this time spoke up.

"No kidding," Zoey sniffed.

"I guess we better get going," Siren said once they broke the hug.

"Yeah you should," Harry said.



And many more byes were exchanged throughout until they left the room and arrived at the main entrance where Harry, Charity, and Cameron were waiting for them.

"Ready to go?" Harry questioned.

They all nodded and they set their watches to head home. The people who didn't have just held onto the person closest to them and they all disappeared back to the future. Where their home was.


Past- 1994

The Great Hall was covered from head to toe in winter and Christmas decorations. Everyone was having a blast, besides Harry and Ron. They were as miserable as they could be. Ron's jealous because Hermione is with Viktor Krum on the dance floor and Harry's just being flat out miserable in general. Draco Malfoy and his cronies were just there spending the night. They were having a blast doing whatever these Slytherins do at a ball. Nothing interesting has happened and things went on as normal. No mysterious girl, no being questioning idiots together. No getting along with Slytherins. No crazy gossip or any about people from the future being there. Everything was as normal as it could be.


Present- 2022

"Harry!" Draco yelled out to his husband, who had just appeared in the living room with the rest of the kids looking exhausted. Everyone was in the living room just hanging there and Harry and the children decided to just appear out of no where.

Draco gave his husband a big hug, which he got returned very gratefully. "I missed you so much Hare," the blonde whispered in his ear.

"I wasn't gone for too long," Harry told him, looking very sure of himself. "At least not as long as Aquarius," he looked over at his daughter, who had a very guilty experience on her face.

"I'm sorry," she whispered.

Draco let go of Harry and went to dive into a hug with Aquarius. "Don't be sorry for anything. You're alive and that's all that matters." Aquarius chocked up a sob and hugged her dad very tightly.

"Zoey," came Ron's voice. "Why in the world would you decide to go back when we told you not to?"

Zoey looked very sheepish. "Sorry?" She said a bit unsure. "I felt like that I had to be there for Aquarius, so I went back."

Ron smiled at his daughter and engulfed her in a hug. "And I'm glad you did."

"As am I," Blaise came from behind the redhead and joined in on the hug.

Time went on and everyone who witnessed the unforgettable was able to heal the best they could. Harry was better than expected, but he still had that sense of trauma in his mind, so Draco helped him out the best he could with Hermione.

The kids were a different story when it came to healing, especially the teens. They got through it though and that's all that matters. Everyone was home and happy and hopefully none of them had to go through that again. Or at least where no one is aware that someone is time traveling and where they're more prepared.

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