#69 What you hate about him/her

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You appreciate all the efforts that he puts in, to manage the clan, but it takes a lot of time and you oftentimes don't get any attention for days. It hurts your feelings and makes you feel worthless sometimes.


You hate how Alec insists on doing everything to please his parents at the expense of his own happiness. He insists he doesn't, but you know better and it annoys you.


You hate how stubborn Jace is. It has no use to talk against him. He behaves like a toddler sometimes.


You hate that you can't really discuss with Meliorn. He gives in way too easily to not hurt you. If you would say that the grass in central park is purple and the sky is green, he would say "Yes, you're right", because he could never talk against you. It gets annoying after a while.


You hate how outgoing Izzy sometimes is. When she has some days off she wants to go to the Pandemonium every night, while you just want to have some time for two.


You hate how sassy and rude Maia can be. Sometimes it's fun but oftentimes it's a bit over the top and it often leads to fights to other people. And you HATE drama.


You sometimes hate how overprotective Magnus is. He wants to go with you literally EVERYWHERE because he fears that a vampire or werewolf or demon or whatever may attack you.


You hate it when Will tries to tell you what to do. You had spent your whole life being told how to dress, what to do, what to eat, where to go and you had had enough of it.


You hate it when Jem tried to make you choose between him and Will. You and Will were closer than most Shadowhunter siblings, so you were annoyed that Jem, Will's own parabatai, wouldn't understand that.


You hate how easily Jordan gets jealous of Simon. He doesn't listen when you say you're just friends and it frustrates you.


You hate how easily Tessa gets jealous of everyone. You insist that they don't mean as much to you as she does, and you aren't sure how many times you can keep having that same conversation.

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