The New Kids

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Chloe Pov
Josh and I were kissing and I freaked out so I sprinted into the school. "Ow!" I yelled as I collided into someone. "Oh my god! I'm so sorry!" The person replied helping me up. When I stood up I finally got a good look at his him. Muscular, piercing green eyes, gorgeous white smile, shaggy brown hair. In other words GORGEOUS! Ge clearer his throat. Oops I stared to long. "Oh I'm sorry. I wasn't looking." I apologized. "Don't be. It was partially my fault. I'm Carter." Carter introduced extending his hand. "I'm Chloe." I said shaking his hand. "Hey- I'm new here and I was wondering if you could show me around?" Carter asked. "Sure! Can I see your schedule?" I accepted. He handed me his schedule and I quickly examined it. I have 3 classes out of 6 with him! And lunch! Yay!!! "Alright- the good news is, I have 3 classes with you so I can help out around those times but I can't show you around for the other classes unless we go during lunch." I informed carter. "Alright... Can you show me where my first period is?" He asked. "Yeah common." I said walking down the hall. "CHLOE!!!" I heard Josh yell from the other side of the hall. "Who's that?" Carter questioned. "He's- no one." I said walking faster and grabbing Carter's hand."I'll be right back. I gotta pee!" I laughed running to the bathroom. "K!" Carter yelled after me.
Carter Pov
"I'm not no one!" A kid yelled running up to me. "Then who are you?" I asked. "I'm the one that's meant for Chloe." He said balling up his fists. "Well I doubt it because she just called you a no one." I chuckled. "Look... I don't know who you are but stay away from Chloe." He hissed. "Or what?" I asked standing up straighter. "Or else..." He threatened. Chloe walked out. "Josh what do you want?" She groaned. "Oh nothing just showing our new student around." Josh said smiling. "Josh can I talk to you?" Chloe asked. "Of course!" Josh beamed. "I'll be back in about 5-10 minutes." Chloe informed me. I nodded. What's up with that weird kid. "Carter! Lemme see your schedule!" My twin sister Tyra yelled running up to me. "Here." I said handing it to her. "One class. Poo." She fake pouted. "Whatever." I muttered.
Josh POV
"So what do you wanna talk about?" I asked Chloe as we sat down in the courtyard. "The kiss." Chloe whispered. "What about it? The fact that you ran away and really hurt me? Or the fact that you moved on in 2 minutes?" I asked angry. "What?! I haven't moved on! What are you talking a- you're jealous of Carter!" Chloe accused. "I am not!" I defended. "Really? So you aren't jealous of the fact that Carter and I are spending ALL of lunch together? Or the fact that Carter and I have 3 classes together? Or the fact that-" Chloe was saying but I cut her off by kissing her. At first she tried to push me off but then she started to kiss me back. We broke apart. "I love you." She whispered. "W-what?" I asked astonished. "N-nothing." She stuttered and ran off. "Chloe don't go!" I yelled running after her. The bell rang. Great now I'm gonna be late. I ran to first period and took my seat next to Chloe. "Late again Mr. Hyland?" My history teacher asked facing the chalkboard. I swear she has eyes in the back of her head. "Sorry Ms. Witherspoon. Won't happen again." I apologized. "Isn't that what you said last time... And the time before that?" The old woman questioned turing around. "Yes ma'am. But you see I was-" I started but got cut off. "No excuses. Detention. After school. Right here. 2 hours." She said glaring at me. I have dance 1 hour after school! Chloe must have realized that too. She raised her hand. "Ms. Witherspoon?" "Yes Chloe?" The teacher acknowledged. "You see Josh and I have dance after school and if he's late that means our duet gets pulled and I've worked really hard so could you please-" Chloe started but got cut off. "I completely understand. Detention. Both of you tomorrow morning. 6:00 am!" She barked. Chloe glared at me. I sighed. "Back to class... Blah blah blah ya da ya da..." The teachers voice drowned on. The bell finally rang. "I'm mad at you." Chloe said packing up. "For what?" I asked. "For getting me early morning detention!" She said in a 'duh' tone. "That was your fault!" I said mocking her tone. "No it was yours!" She said as we walked out of the room. "How?" I asked. "Because you had to be late, back talk, get after-school detention, then I had to stand up for you because you're a wimp and then I got in trouble for you being stupid!" She explained as we got to our next class with Carter. Ugh. Yes. Chloe and I have all of our classes together. Paige is in this one with us. "Hey Chlo." Paige greeted and took her usual seat next to her. "Hey." Chloe sighed. "What's wrong?" She asked. "Your brother." Chloe said taking out her science notebook and starting the bell work. I sat next Chloe like I always do and started working. The late bell rang and Carter waltzed in smiling. "Mr. Anderson, you're late." Mr. Butler scowled. "Sorry sir. I got lost." Carter shrugged. "Why didn't you have a guide like I instructed you to?" The teacher questioned. Chloe turned red and sunk down in her seat. She mouthed 'sorry' to Carter and he nodded. "Well you see sir, Josh was supposed to guide me but he must've forgotten." Carter lied. "Josh." The teacher looked at me. "I did not agree to be his tour guide!" I defended. "Ok Carter go start the bell work and sit next to Miss. Lukasiak." Mr butler instructed. "Which seat should I take?" He asked. "Either Mr or Miss Hyland's." The teacher said starting the lesson. "Move Josh." Carter said walking up to my seat. I groaned and moved diagonally across from Chloe. I passed her a note saying 'this Carter is no good.' She passed back a note saying 'jealous much?' I sent one back saying 'you wish' she threw one at me saying 'you wish' I remembered that she said something earlier so I wrote 'what'd ya say earlier after we kissed again?' I threw it at her but the teacher caught it in mid-air. "Nice catch Mr. Butler." I laughed nervously. "Would you two like to share the notes with the class or should I?" He asked not amused. "We will." Chloe said standing up. I followed her to the front and grabbed the notes. I read mine. "This Carter is no good." I muttered. "What's that?" The teacher asked. "This Carter is no good." I repeated louder. Carter turned red. "You're just jealous." Chloe read and Carter smiled. "You wish." I read. "You wish." Chloe read. This next one I was embarrassed to read. "What did you say after we kissed again?" I read. Everyone started laughing. "That was all." Chloe said looking down. "Ok. Lunch detention both of you. Now continuing on with the lesson." Me butler said continuing. "You kissed him more than once?" Paige asked Chloe when she sat down. Chloe nodded. Paige rolled her eyes and when the teacher wasn't looking stuck her tongue out at me. I rolled my eyes and started taking notes. The bell rang. Lunch. Yay. Detention. Everyone left except Chloe and I. "Now, I expect this from Josh but from you Chloe. I'm disappointed." Mr. Butler said once everyone had left. "Josh you know the drill. But Chloe since this is your first time I'll inform you on how this works. You two stay here while I go to my meeting. If you two aren't here when I get back if the bell hasn't rung, referral." Mr butler explained. Chloe nodded and took out her lunch. "So how's life?" I smiled after the teacher left. "I hate you." Chloe said taking a bite out if her sandwich. "You know you love me." I said taking Paige's usual seat. "No I don't." She said opening her water bottle. "Then why'd you say it earlier?" I questioned. "I never said that." Chloe defended. "Yes you did." I accused. "When?" Chloe asked. "After we kissed in the courtyard! You whispered, 'I love you' and then ran away." I said remembering every second. "I- I d-did not." Chloe stuttered. "You only stutter when you're nervous or lying." I pointed out. "Fine." Chloe admitted. "You love me?" I asked. She nodded. I leaned in. She put her hand on my lips. "What?" I asked. "You said you love me." "Yeah. But I can't be your girlfriend." She said looking down. "Why?" I asked. "Because, I-I just can't." She sighed. "You're nervous." I said grabbing her hand. "Shut up." She said laughing. The bell rang. "Let's go." She said throwing away her lunch. I nodded and we walked to gym. "Hi! I'm Tyra!" A girl about my age said running up to us. "Hi!" Chloe waved. "I'm a HUGE fan of Dance Moms!" Tyra shrieked. "Thanks!" Chloe said smiling. "Can I get a pic with the cute couple?" She asked. I knew Chloe would kill me if I said sure without explaining to the fan. "Well ya see-" I started. "We'd love to!" Chloe said stomping on my foot. We took a selfie and when Tyra walked away I glared at Chloe. "What?" She asked. "You just said we weren't a couple then now we are? Make up your mind!" I said fuming. "Well I can't tell a fan that we're not dating! The world thinks we are." She said stopping at her locker along the way. "That makes no sense. We should be honest with the world!" I whined. "No we shouldn't. I've been on tv long enough to know this won't end well. Especially now that you're on tv." She said closing her locker and walking towards the gym. "But-" I started. "We'll talk more on the way to detention tomorrow." Chloe said running into the girls locker room. The late bell rang. Ugh! I sprinted into the boys locker room and got changed quickly. I headed into the gym to see Chloe and Carter(gag) laughing. Chloe is so cute when she laughs. Like a little bunny. Paige ran up to me. "Jealous much?" She teased. "I don't think Carter's who he says he is." I said shifting my gaze from Carter and Chloe to Paige. "Neither do I, but my twinnie likes him so I can't do anything about it." Paige shrugged pulling out her phone. "Well I am gonna do something about it." I said balling up my fist and stalking over to the two. "What are you gonna do?" Paige asked not realizing I had already left. "Josh... Josh... Oh god! Josh!" Paige yelled running towards me.
Carter POV
"You're really pretty when you smile." I complimented Chloe. Honestly she was the ugliest thing ever. Tyra hates Chloe because she beat her for the spot on dance moms. I just never liked her. "Aww thank you." Chloe blushed. Josh stalked over. "Yo Carter!" He shouted. "Joshua my fine companion. May I help you?" I asked trying to annoy him. "Don't play dumb! I know what you're up to! Don't try to pull a fast one on me or Chloe!" He yelled getting closer to my face. "Josh don't do anything stupid." Chloe said trying to calm him down. "Well that will be hard. Have you seen his report card." I laughed. The whole gym had heard and everyone was laughing. "Carter that was really really rude..." Chloe said sounding hurt. "Oh come on. You know you never liked this thing. You only did it for publicity." I laughed. "Chloe... Is that true?" Josh asked his eyes getting misty. "No... Josh you know that's not true." Chloe cried. "Well how am I supposed to know that! You've lied to me so many times!" Josh yelled. "But Josh I'm not lying about the way I feel about you... Or felt." Chloe cried. "How can I believe you." Josh said looking straight into Chloe's eyes. Chloe ran out of the gym crying. Cry baby. "Chloe wait!" Josh yelled starting to run after her. "Haven't you done enough damage?" I said holding Josh back. "Not yet." Josh said whipping around and punching me right on my right eye. "Ow! Dude!!" I yelled. But Josh was already gone.
Josh POV
"Chloe! Chloe! Chlo!" I yelled throughout the halls. I heard crying coming from the girls bathroom. I walked in and softly knocked on her stall. "Who is it?" She asked sniffling. "Josh." I said softly. She threw open the door. "Why are you in the girls bathroom!" She asked. "Because you're in the girls bathroom." I smirked. "Why do you think I was lying about loving you?" She asked obviously hurt. "Because you seemed to like Carter a whole lot more." I sighed. "I was just trying to get my mind off of you." She said looking down. "Did it work?" I asked. "Does it look like it worked?" She said sarcastically. 'I wanna kiss you so badly!!!!!!!' I thought. "Well you just made this situation really awkward." Chloe said blushing. "Did I say that out loud?!" I asked. "Yeah..." Chloe trailed off. "Let's get back to gym." I said really embarrassed. Chloe kissed my cheek. I smiled at her. She smiled back.
Tyra POV
Crap! They had a moment! Thankfully I got ALL of their conversations from today. 'Dance Moms Chloe Lukasiak and Christi Lukasiak related to pop star Taylor swift!' will be tomorrow's headline! Ok it needs some work. But all I know is my enemy's secret will be out tomorrow!!!!!!! Mwahahahaha!!!!!!

Ok sorry this was short and kinda crappy! Congrats to Ellie_Martin_is_me (Carter) and Tyrahoang101 (Tyra) for winning the contest! Thanks to everyone who entered! Write ya later!

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