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Author's Note: If you didn't know, I've also written another Dipcifica story! If you haven't seen it you should check it out. Some things to be noted are that the twins are 5 turning 6, and that the parents will be referred to as Mom and Dad.

It was 2005, long before the summer of 2012, and Dipper and Mabel were heading out with their parents to visit their Great Uncle Stan in the mysterious town of Gravity Falls.

"Do we have to go, Mama?" Mabel begged for the one hundredth time that day. Mabel had a whole fun summer planned out with her friends, and she was not happy to be going to the middle of no where.

"We're already here." Mom said. The old family minivan had pulled up to a shabby looking shack in the middle of the forest.

"I don't wanna go!" Dipper cried. Neither of the twins were very excited about staying here. Even though little Dipper didn't really have many friends, something about the woods creeped him out. He did not want anything to do with it. Mom ushered the two twins inside, while her and Dad stayed back to grab their stuff. When the twins walked inside, they were greeted by the sight of a smelly old man waving a cane in there face.

"Welcome, kids! I'm your Great Uncle Stan!"

"Hello, Great Uncle Stan!" Mabel replied, seeming to forget her initial reluctance.

"You two scragglers will be staying in the attic, go look for yourself." He motioned towards a staircase without offering any guidance.

"Okay!" They both said at the same time. They raced up the stairs until they finally reached the attic where they would be staying. Mabel Immediately started throwing glitter all over the place.

"Hey!" Dipper shouted. "Don't get any of that girly stuff on my side!" Mabel stuck her tongue out at him.

"Girls rule, boys drool!"

"They do not!"

"Do too!" Their argument was interrupted by their parents walking in.

"So how are you two adjusting to the new room?" Their Dad asked.

"Mabel/Dipper's ruining it!" They both shout each other's names.

"Come on now, don't get all fussy. You just got here, don't fight yet."

"Yeah fight tomorrow." Their Dad got elbowed by their Mom.

"Just come downstairs there are some kids from the neighborhood that are here to meet you!" Dipper and Mabel follow their parents into the gift shop where three little girls were waiting for them.

"Ew, no way! I don't want to hang out with girls!" Dipper said crossing his arms.

"Well I don't want to hang out with poor people!" A little blonde girl responds. Meanwhile, Mabel and the other two girls were already becoming best friends. The three of them marched over to Mom and Dad and chanted sleepover over and over again.

"Alright, I'll ask their moms if they can all sleep over." They asked all the parents, got everything organized, and now ALL three of the girls were spending the night. Of course the blonde girl, now known as Pacifica, moaned and groaned the whole time. Dipper was moaning and groaning too. They both sat on his bed moping about how the didn't want to be there.

"They're so annoying." Pacifica said.

"Agreed. Let's go eat some pizza." The parents had ordered food for the party, and it was still sitting in the kitchen. The parents had told them no more food, so they decided to sneak out ninja style. Being small, they managed to squeeze past the adults all sitting on the couch by crawling behind it. They went unnoticed and landed in the kitchen. They grabbed a paper plate and placed two slices of pizza, one for each of them, on top. They heard an adult walking into the kitchen, so they ran to hide. Dipper ran ahead and managed to get into a small broom closet next to the entrance. Meanwhile, Pacifica tripped and somehow managed to get her skirt stuck under one of the kitchen chairs. Dipper sat there making a decision. A GIRL or pizza? He really wanted the pizza, but he knew the right thing would be to help. He ran over to Pacifica and moved the chair for her, dropping the pizza in the process. At that moment his mom walked in the entrance.

"Aw, what are you two kids doing in here? I knew you guys would eventually get along."

"Uh, just getting water." Dipper responded. He grabbed Pacifica's hand and sped walked them back up to the attic. Outside the door they could still hear Mabel's loud pop music blaring through the walls. Dipper sighed, he knew they were in the clear. He turned back towards Pacifica. She practically had stars in her eyes. She looked down at their hands then back up at him. Dipper dropped his hands and gave her a look.

"You saved me...AND held my hand," Pacifica said, starstruck. "You LIKE me don't you!!" She jumped and did a little squeal. "So you're my boyfriend now!"

"No way!" Dipper said. He hated all girls, especially ones who called him poor. "You're a-" He was cut off by Pacifica kissing his cheek. She grabbed his hand and opened the door into the bedroom.

"Girls! He is my boyfriend now!" All the girls started to shriek and Pacifica let go of Dipper's hand to join them. He was forced to sit in the middle of all the girls singing that nursery rhyme. "Dipper and Pacifica sitting in a tree..." Eventually they got distracted by other things and Pacifica and Dipper were sitting on his bed again. This time Dipper was the only one moping. Pacifica kept looking over at him every few minutes and giggled. She turned into one of the other girls at the sleepover. 'What a weirdo' Dipper thought. Soon though, the Mom came in and made everyone go to bed. All the guests slept on the floor in sleeping bags and Dipper and Mabel slept in their beds.

"Rise and Shine, sleepy heads. Breakfast is ready." Everyone woke up and stretched. Pacifica immediately shrieked and ran for the bathroom.

"What's her problem?" Dipper said. Pacifica walked back into the room dressed in her regular clothes, and with her hair done.

"I can't let anyone see me looking messy." She said. "Especially not my boy friend." She grabbed Dipper's hand and walked down to the breakfast table. All the other girls followed behind talking amongst themselves. They all got to the kitchen table and ate their bacon and eggs. In the middle of breakfast, Pacifica says

"Everybody guess what!! Dipper is my boyfriend now!" She grabbed his hand and raised it in the air. The other girls already knew, but the adults all turned their heads towards them. Dipper blushed. He didn't want his whole family to think that!

"Shut up Pacifica!" That seemed like a good idea to little Dipper, but to the adults it just made it seem like he was trying to hide it. The rest of breakfast Pacifica continued to swing Dipper's hand, and Dipper continued to blush while glaring at his plate. This girl really got on his nerves. 

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