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Author's Note: Although this will technically be the last day they see each other, it is not the end of this book. There are some other things I would like to add before I wrap up the story.

It had been a few more weeks since that last party, and everything was mostly the same. Pacifica, Grenda, and Candy came over basically every day and they all had fun together. Until now, the Pines Twins' 6th birthday party, and their last day at Gravity falls. It was going to be a small party, just the friends of the twins, then they would all climb into the old family minivan and make the long drive back to California. Everyone knew it was the twins last day, except for one love struck blonde who hadn't managed to hear the news. When she came over to the party, she fully expected Dipper to be going into 1st grade with her that year. They spent the whole day like it was normal, just laughing and talking to each other. At one point in the day, however, Dipper left to go to the bathroom, so Pacifica made her way to the living room to listen to the adults talking.

"I'm going to miss this place, Stan."

"Yeah, you fixed this place up real nice. Not to mention all the money you'll be making." Mr. Pines and Great Uncle Stan continued to have a conversation while Pacifica pulled on the hem of Mrs. Pines dress once again.

"Yes, dear?"

"What do you mean you're going to miss this place?"

"Well I'm going to miss it when I go back home to California."

"You mean you didn't move here?!?"

"No?" Pacifica ran off towards the attic where Dipper was waiting.

"Hi Pacifica! Where did you g-"

"You didn't tell me you were going off to California!"

"You didn't know?"

"Obviously! I can't believe you would be my boyfriend then just run off like that!" She stormed out of the room then towards the back porch where the party decorations were set up. She took a seat at a picnic table and moped by herself. She felt way madder than she did when she was moping at Mabel's party the first time. How could he do this to her? She felt bad though. Today was his birthday, and his last day here. She should be mad later. He should at least remember her as his girlfriend and not the girl who ruined his birthday. She went out to look for him. He was still sitting in his bed just thinking.

"Dipper?" He didn't answer, but he looked her way so she knew he heard it.

"Dipper, I'm sorry. I shouldn't be mad. It's not your fault you have to back to California. Here you go." She gave him a $10 bill. "To say sorry for making you feel bad on your birthday." He laughed.

"You don't have to pay me you know."

"Money makes all my other problems go away." Dipper just laughed again.

"Let's go down to the party." He grabbed her hand and swung it all the way down to the front porch. There everyone else was sitting, and it was time to bring out the cake. Dipper and Mabel both stood on the front porch where Great Uncle Stan brought out the cake with a 6 on it. They both got to say their wishes.

"I wish for friends and adventure!" Dipper says.

"I wish for a pig!" Mabel shouts. Then they both blow out the candles. Everyone was eating cake and having a good time. By then it was the late afternoon, the sun would be going down soon. They had already packed up all their things the day before, so all they would have to do was grab their bags and throw them in the car. They all loaded up into the old mini van and gave their goodbyes to everyone. When Dipper got to Pacifica, he gave her a kiss on the cheek this time. She felt her face get all hot, so she gave him a big hug to make him blush too. They were both blushing as Dipper climbed into the car. And just like that, as mysteriously as the Pines Twins had arrived, they were gone.

Author's Note: I wanted to add more to this story, but I got busy and none of the ideas of where I wanted this to go really fit the feel of the story. So I'm ending it here.

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