The Dance

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Author's Note: I don't have much to say for this chapter. Obviously, you can guess which episode inspired it.

It was the day of the party. The adult Pines went out and got the paper plates and cups for everyone. Stan called Mabel and her friends over to decorate, and set up the booth to overcharge people to get in. He invited Wendy over to run it. He would say,

"Hey, if you can walk, you can work." And Wendy was fine working the booth for some money. Dipper and Pacifica were once again all by themselves. They were up in Dipper's room talking. Pacifica wasn't really paying attention, though. In her mind, she was figuring out how to get Dipper to slow dance with her. He was her boyfriend, so she knew he would, but she wanted it to be perfect. She would ask their weird assistant, Jorge to play a romantic song. Then, she would be wearing her prettiest dress, and she would go up to Dipper and ask him to dance. He would say yes, of course, and she would get to dance with Dipper. It was perfect.

"Pacifica, are you even listening?"

"What? Yes, of course I was."

"Well I asked if you were going to the party."

"Obviously. That's why I got to come over today. To go to the party. I even brought a dress."

"Really? I was thinking of skipping it."

"What? Why?"

"Well I was thinking about it and everyone there is probably going to be a lot older than us, right? What will there be for us to do? Eat?" Pacifica grabbed his hand and walked over to the party set up.

"Look, we HAVE to go to the party! Just for a little while! Please? Think about it, it costs $10 to get in, and it costs $5 to leave. Since we're younger, this is probably the only time where Stan is going to let us go to the party for free, right? So logically we need to go. Pretty please?"

"All right I guess so, but only for a few minutes." They had walked into the party room now where Wendy was waiting. She gave Dipper and Pacifica a wave. Dipper waved back, Pacifica did not. "Or we can stay for a little bit longer." Pacifica grabbed his hand even tighter. She was Dipper's girlfriend, not Wendy. She started to walk off with him when they noticed people were starting to walk into the room. Stan had been letting people in early. This was all wrong! Pacifica was supposed to be wearing a beautiful gown for this. She let go of his hand and ran off to get changed, meanwhile Dipper went over and talked to Wendy. When Pacifica eventually did come back, the saw Dipper standing all by himself by the food. I guess his prediction for the night was correct. She walked over to him as a song by the Icelandic pop group BABBA started playing. She saw Dipper singing along. She was in awe.

"Wow, you know all the words? That's so cool." She watched him sing and dance to the song when some teenager 'accidentally' splashed their drink on him.

"Sorry! I guess I was just distracted by that girly singing." Dipper ran off. Pacifica knew that her song was about to come on next, but she ran after Dipper anyway. What good was a plan if the guy wasn't even there? She found him sitting in a closet, eating some snacks by himself. She sat down right next to him.

"Hey, your singing's not girly at all! I thought it was cool, like a pop star!"

"You just say that cause you like me. No one else would think it's cool."

"No one else who was lame would think it was cool, and if no one else thinks it's cool, then everyone else is lame. Besides, if anyone says anything I'll sue the crap outta them!"

"You really would? Just for me?"

"Of course! You are my boyfriend, and even if all the other lame-o's say that you sing girly, I'll still see you as the really awesome boyfriend you are."

"Thanks, Pacifica. But what am I supposed to do about my clothes? They're all covered in punch." Pacifica grabbed Dipper and ran over to the snack bar. She poured herself a cup of punch and dumped it down the front of her dress.

"Look, now we match!" She realized then that he slow song was just about to end. She ran out into the dance floor, and Dipper followed her.

"Dance with me!," She said. "We've got a few seconds left." They spent the few seconds slow dancing, punch-covered and all. Once that dance was over, they made their way over to the food.

"Just like I said, we're gonna spend the whole night right here next to the food."

"I don't care."

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