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Hinata had been acting odd all week. He was over-working himself like crazy. Everyone thought it was normal but he was getting worse. He would practise for hours at a time, without food or water. Even when the team were going out to eat, Hinata would just tag along, eating nothing, or just go home saying he was tired. Of course everyone believed him but not for long. He was never seen eating. Not a lunch, not in the morning. Nothing.

Sugawara was getting worried. As the mum of the group, he thought it was his job to check on Hinata. But no matter what he did or how he asked, Hinata would always just say something like 'I'm fine' or 'don't worry Suga-san'. But there was no way Sugawara believed him. Nor did anyone else on the team...

Every one decided to gather up knowing Hinata would go home saying 'I'm tired' again. It was about 5pm. After practise ended, they watched as Hinata went home. They then snuck off to Daichi-sans house.

"So does anyone know what's up with Hinata?" he asked, bringing in glasses of lemonade for everyone from the kitchen.
"No but I'm really worried!" Suga said. "He's been pushing himself, way more than normal.... I- I don't know what to do. No matter what I say to him, he always implys that hes completely fine which he s obviously not!" He carried on, almost on the verge of tears.
Tanaka and Nishinoya sat there.
"Do you think maybe hes just stressing? Maybe his upper classmen should talk to Him!" Nishinoya exclaimed. Tanaka smiled but everyone knew that wouldn't work.
"I don't think so. As much as I hope that'd work, I don't think it'd do he trick." 
Everyone began talking about ways to get Hinata to eat with them until Daichi signalled to them that one person wasn't talking and hadn't spoken a word since they'd gotten there.

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