At school

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I walked all the way to school trying to calm myself. 'U can do this. You are going to be good'
I was so afraid, I completly lost my self esteem when dad died. I was literally shaking. 'U can do this. Do it for dad'

School was just in front of me. I held the sides of my bag and wore my hoodie. I faced the ground as I made my way to the principal's office since I was there the weekend before I got registered in the new school, Attaway High.

I was one hall before getting to the principal's office when I tripped over something and fell down. I slowly tried to pull myself to stand when somebody pushed me down to the ground. 'Hahaha, what do we have here? A newbie. Looks like we got lucky this round guys. Haha..... " somebody said.

I couldn't help but start to cry as I laid on the ground as they continued laughing. I tried to get up again but one of them kicked me in the stomach and I couldn't bare the pain. I just held on to my stomach as the ganged up on me and started kicking me.

"HEY! U HAVE NO RIGHT TO DO THAT TO HER! " somebody boomed out from the end of the hallway. That caught the attention of the gang. I tried to steal a glimpse of my saviors and saw another group of people.

One of the people on the gang that beat me up raised me and smirked. " IS THIS WHAT YOU WANT!! " he shouted shoving me forward. " HERE, TAKE HER! JUST KNOW WE ARE NOT DONE YET! " he said and chuckled. "Come on gang, we have better things to do, " he said and left

My saviors rushed up to me. One girl helped me sit up and I managed a weak smile. "T.. Th-ank y.. you, " I said. "It's our pleasure, " said a particular boy.

Although the good souls helped me all they could, the pain was just too unbearable. My head was spinning and my eyes blurry. I tried to focus my gaze on the girl who helped me sit up as she was whispering assuring words and smiling nervously. I just couldn't keep on forcing myself to be awake. I knew if I blacked out at the spot, they would be worried sick about me but I just couldn't.....

'I think I'm gonna die of this sharp and deafening pain in the pit of my stomach. I need to rest... and with that, the world I was in turned into darkness. Hearing my saviors endless shouting as they tried to wake me up.

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