My friends

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I slowly woke up in a room I had no idea about.  I slowly opened my eyes was I gazed on familiar  faces. That's when all that had happened in the morning started to flood into my mind.  I shifted slowly and winced in pain as I slowly remembered that I was kicked by one of those block heads. 

"She's awake! "one of the girls explained.  They rushed up to me.  "Hi,  thanks for what you did earlier, "I said smiling.  They all smiled and said in union, "It's our pleasure! "

"You must be new, right? " said one of the boys.  I slowly nodded.  One of the girls said, "Hi,  I'm Mackenzie but people call me Kenzie,  and also,  this is Maria.... Hayden and lastly Evan,"  she said as each of them waved and smiled.

"Nice to meet you all.  If I may ask,  who are those annoying people who beat me up?" I said.  They fell into silence for a few minutes before Hayden said, "They are the bad gang.  They bully any weak, shy and afraid student in school.  The two boys are Brian and Brandon and the two girls are Ruby and Rosie. They are the most popular students in school so everybody respects them.  Just for advice,  do not get near them or they will beat you up again.  We good? " I nodded and smiled. 

A few minutes later,  a nurse got in the room.  "Shane, right? " she asked.  "Yes.  That's me, " I said.  "U can go now but go easy on yourself and have a lot of water.  Here,  you will also have to take these pills, " she said handing me a small bag with my medicine in it.  "Thank you, "I said.
"You are welcome,"the nurse said as I speeded off with my new friends. 

"So,  where were you going this morning?" Maria asked.  "I was heading to principal's office, when I met those 'popular kids',  I said rolling my eyes. "I was going for my schedule."

"OK, we can take you there, "Kenzie said.  "Thanks, "I said smiling.  "No need to thank us,  we are friends and we will always stick together, "Kenzie said and we had a group hug

It was at 11.00am, so I followed my schedule and saw I had Math. 'Yes,  maybe this will clear my mind, "I said rushing to class.

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