Tuesday and 'My Hero'

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This morning my mum had to go to work earlier so I had to set the alarm. The alarm started beeping. I threw my pillow and the alarm clock fell on floor. I then began to drift to sleep when my aunt yelled, "I heard that Shane! Wake up now! "

I heard her laugh and then all went quiet. I groaned as got off my bed and went to choose an outfit. I came across a pair of brown shorts and a black crop top. I also had a marching bag and black high heel boots.

I packed my books and the clothes Kenzie had lend me the day before. I had a quick bite and started my morning walk to school. The sun was shining giving me high hopes for the day. I then heard somebody call me from behind. I turned around to see Kenzie and Maria run up to me.

"Hi girls, " is what I said when they got where I was. "Hi Shane, are you OK, " Kenzie said as she caught my breath. " Um.... Yeah, why? " I said as my face expression changed

' Did they find out about what happened in class. Hope not...... ' "We heard about what happened with you and Brandon," I heard Maria said beside Kenzie.

'Great, now the whole school knows about me and that snot. My life is ruined.'
"You OK Shane, " Kenzie said. I turned my head to her direction and saw a concerned Kenzie
"Yeah, I'm good. Maybe the faces that will be in school and the drama and... huh, " I just said what I always said when I panic

"You'll be fine Shane. We and the guys will be there for you, "Maria said then we group hugged. ' What would I ever do without them....'

We talked until we got to the school Compound. 'OMG, we are in school. Try to calm down' I said then breathed in and out countless times. We met the guys before we got in the school halls.

'All eyes are on me. I think I'm gonna die. What can be worse than this? ' I told myself. Then as if my thoughts came to life, there I saw the people I didn't wanna see. 'Oh my gosh, Brandon's gang'

I slowly moved behind Evan not noticing what I was doing. 'I need someone to hold me before I die of embarrassment ' Suddenly, Evan held onto my hand. I jumped a bit but when I noticed it was Evan, I smiled and held onto him. We slowly passed the gang and when we were about to get out of their sight, Brandon shouted.....

"Hey there beautiful! " 'Ew, what's wrong with this la-di-da' I was about to defend myself when someone beat me to it. "Don't you talk to my girl like that or God knows where you will be if you make a move. You are warned! " Evan said and the whole hall went quiet.

'That's my prince in shining armor to you scumbag,' I said and smirked. We then made our way to our classes.

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